
Active Member
Hi everyone not been on for a while, well not with a problem anyway it couldnt last could it lol, central locking been working ok on remote and door lock, parked car to go into parents opened door from inside to get out all ok, went to close door wont close lock staying open ( will close but wont stay shut because lock open ) hope that explains it, fiddled about with door button up and down no luck, key in no luck did notice all other door buttons going up and down ok and other doors opening and locking unlocking ok, eventually drivers door shut and promptly locked itself, oh no abandoned going to parents in fear its going to have immobilised itself too, got in passenger side climbed over centre console ( no mean feat at 59 and full of arthritis lol ) she started phew ! got back home climbed back out had a bit more of a fiddle drivers window down pushing button up and down still wont open tried key in door lock again aswell still wont open, did notice when you pull button up manually or on the key button goes back down on its own other doors stay open ? got dark now so cant investigate any further need to get door panel of some how, have got nanocom only used it once before so very green, if some of you more knowledgeable than me could help that would be great Thank You Forgot to say it would Help 2000 Range Rover Vogue 4.6.
Does sound like that door lock is the culprit.. The next step is to get the door open!
Door wouldn't close because the latch wouldn't close around the U shaped piece of metal? I think I would take the door card off and check the rods connected to the actuator unit.
+1 on checking rods, but while you're in there take the latch out and check it for broken plastic parts inside. It's quite easy then to test the latch operation using a screwdriver to close the latch, and operate the lever to check it opens again. Remember the lever will NOT open the latch if the internal mechanism is in the superlock position.

Also look closely at the small tips on the microswitches. They tend to wear, and this is what often causes bad switch behaviour.
+1 on checking rods, but while you're in there take the latch out and check it for broken plastic parts inside. It's quite easy then to test the latch operation using a screwdriver to close the latch, and operate the lever to check it opens again. Remember the lever will NOT open the latch if the internal mechanism is in the superlock position.

Also look closely at the small tips on the microswitches. They tend to wear, and this is what often causes bad switch behaviour.
On the 2 I have reconditioned, the tips of the micro switch actuator for locking had actually broken off.
Hi sorry not been back to reply or look at car yet, have been struck down with a real nasty cold that has led to a sinus infection, antibiotics and hopefully on the mend soon and be able to look at car :(
If you lock or unlock with the FOB, can you here the lock/unlock motor operate?
Hi just had a chance to nip outside inbetween showers and the drivers side door button opens fully on the fob then a second later goes back down to lock position on its own sometimes the rest of the doors lock too other times they dont, i have tried to open the drivers door in the second or so the button is up ( kind of sneak up on it lol ) but to no avail that dont work either, have tried with key in lock holding the key in unlock position button up still wont open, wound down drivers window pulled button up held button up by hand still door wont open, need to open door to get door card off lol :D I think its possessed maybe a priest could help
Hi just had a chance to nip outside inbetween showers and the drivers side door button opens fully on the fob then a second later goes back down to lock position on its own sometimes the rest of the doors lock too other times they dont, i have tried to open the drivers door in the second or so the button is up ( kind of sneak up on it lol ) but to no avail that dont work either, have tried with key in lock holding the key in unlock position button up still wont open, wound down drivers window pulled button up held button up by hand still door wont open, need to open door to get door card off lol :D I think its possessed maybe a priest could help
OK, so the motor is working, it sound like part of the door lock mechanism has failed within the lock assembly.
+1 on failed mechanism. Sounds like the drivers door latch is in Superlock position, plus whatever is broken is causing microswitches to be incorrect as well.

Try holding the door handle out, and then unlocking ?

Alternatively get some steel wire or flat strip, and make a hook on one end. Then try to lift the lever where the door handle attaches to the latch ? Not sure if you need the window up, down or halfway, but you should be able to see the latch down the gap if you remove the outer trim.

Also search this forum and rr.net for "door superlocked" to get more ideas.
+1 on failed mechanism. Sounds like the drivers door latch is in Superlock position, plus whatever is broken is causing microswitches to be incorrect as well.

Try holding the door handle out, and then unlocking ?

Alternatively get some steel wire or flat strip, and make a hook on one end. Then try to lift the lever where the door handle attaches to the latch ? Not sure if you need the window up, down or halfway, but you should be able to see the latch down the gap if you remove the outer trim.

Also search this forum and rr.net for "door superlocked" to get more ideas.
Peeing down at the moment but did get a chance to unlock holding door handle out but no joy :rolleyes: wiill have a try with trim off with hooked wire tomorrow hopefully dry lol
Peeing down at the moment but did get a chance to unlock holding door handle out but no joy :rolleyes: wiill have a try with trim off with hooked wire tomorrow hopefully dry lol
One other thing i have remembered when this first started the car had been at my wifes stables unlocked for a couple of days i then got in car to go to parents opened door closed door all ok not having to use remote or key as all ready open, got to parents opened door from inside all ok, when tried to shut door would not stay shut like trying to shut door with handle open, messed with remote open close a few times, pulled door button up down couple times and door shut and stayed shut and locked and where im at now lol, i was allso wondering if the superlock side of things once i get this sorted can be disabled mechanically ;)
One other thing i have remembered when this first started the car had been at my wifes stables unlocked for a couple of days i then got in car to go to parents opened door closed door all ok not having to use remote or key as all ready open, got to parents opened door from inside all ok, when tried to shut door would not stay shut like trying to shut door with handle open, messed with remote open close a few times, pulled door button up down couple times and door shut and stayed shut and locked and where im at now lol, i was allso wondering if the superlock side of things once i get this sorted can be disabled mechanically ;)
Super lock can be mechanically disabled.
Thank you that sounds good, hopefully when i get door open and the door panel off and problem identified i can deal with that too with some help knowledge :D
I can't remember the details but I can probably find them again if you can't find the info.

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