
Hi guys, any door folding guides around?
I got a rear door with a pretty good frame, but the skin is cracked because of a hanging big wheel.
I got a carrier I'm planning to fit shortly, but the damange is done and I was planning to reskin it.
I found that the skins are quite cheap and wanted to try to do it myself, but I can only find guides on how to remove them, not how to fit them.
How is it to fit a steel rear skin? Easy enough for a noob with good DIY skills? What tools will I need?

Cheshire with a 90TD5
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Easy enough, hammer and a block of wood. Just tap along the seam little at a time moving from one end to the other and back.
As Mick said, take it down slowly along the full length using a block of wood. You need to try and avoid putting marks/dents in the material as this could cause it to stretch and then it will be hard to remove. Also make sure that you place the flat side on a smooth flat surface as anything on that surface could easily mark the skin. NOTE I have never done this job but was a sheet metal worker in a past life.
Accept it is a land rover, was originally built by brummies who didn't care, and nothing should fit correctly, be straight or anywhere approaching perfect. Once you have come to terms with that you can just lay the skin on your concrete driveway, use some moles grips to start the bend, and finish the job with the largest hammer you can lift. it will then nicely blend in with all of the other issue you get with an original land rover.

On a more serious note I think you are possibly overthinking the challenges you will face, just be methodical and take your time. if you are fitting a steel skin rather than ali I believe you can get galv versions so would recommend that over plain as it will keep corrosion at bay a little longer. With either steel or ali some gentle heat tot eh correct temperature may help things but should not be necessary if working carefully and not overworking an area to prevent creating stress and fatigue in the metal.
Thanks guys!
I'll try it out on my rear door. first..I'll finish it with rattle cans so hoping for a good result, but not aiming to a perfect mirror finish! that would definitely stand out compared to the rest of the car! ahahah and covering it with athe wheel will surelly help!
I'll send pics when done! working on evenings and weekends only so don't expect anything soon!
I promise I'll send pictures ASAP!
I taught about roller, but I'm not really friend with rollers...really struggle to get good finishes...
I friend of mine just did a vintage car with serious spray cans and I assure you the result was stunning! On the expensive side, but still a lot less than get it professionally sprayed.
I also taught of buying the equipment gun and compressor, but then I don't have a decent indoor/clean area to use and would be wasted.
I'll sleep on it a few weeks...still got quite a few smaller jobs before that! With a Landy you never get bored! Just changed the fuel pump today...

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