
New Member
Hey guys,

A little old lady didn't wear her glasses driving, and my landy has her door off.

I've tried to upload the pics, and they are on this post, somewhere????

Any body know of a reasonable priced company that could put it back on around south west London?

Cheers amigos


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That's why I left South London - these days even the little old ladies nick you car doors when you back is turned.
More pictures needed, especially of the hinges and structure. Normally a lower value car loosing a door in a collision would be a write off
Sorry to here bout this mishap mate,
don't know really what to suggest,
Maybe the insurance is your best bet mate,
that's what you pay it for isn't it??

:pop2: This one could roll on for a while once the trater boys get hold of it..
:5blurk5: in fact it could be a very long time..

its like :5bnopity:
to their :5bbigear:

Good luck getting it sorted mate..
did you have your door open because it looks like it the front of the door is damaged ,and so will the pillar ,if you opened the door on her and I am not saying for one minuet you did if you were getting out of the car then sorry but it is your fault, if on the other hand you were outside of the car getting in, it is her fault ,no what I mean, nudge nudge, but the door pillar will want looking at as well. hope this helps

happens a lot apparently:D:D

FLIPPIN HECK!!!!!! Lol:crazy: I must have been sitting with the old dear in cafe Nero when you took that ;). I think me and you wave at each other car is a big green ex army defender that often rows a chipper ;)

The car has been written off as cat d, and I wanna buy her back for £221.00! So a cheap fix would help!
Probably should have mentioned in my last post that indeed the picture that a very sharp defender11069 took was my car! Not too sure whether to congratulate him or direct him to a website called slutload where far more interesting pictures can be acquired for nowt ;)

Here is the picture again that he took. Can any of you work out from the pic if that door could be straightened out?


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yumite find it better the correct way up?




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claim is resolved...... Have got a settlement figure for the
buying back as a catergory d for £221.00. Need to find a reasonable price accident repairer-any body please!!!!!

Well pikeys repair centre out as the duck tape is a fail
It looks like the top hinge has been torn out of the door. Provided the A post isn't to damaged? It could be a reasonably easy repair/ door swap. Maybe Diy ;)

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