
New Member
Hello all, just aquired a 99 xe di lander, and just joined this forum.
what i would like to know and cant seem to find out is, it has electric door mirrors, should they be capable of being folded back to avoid being hit by passing cars, either electrically or manually, because i tried folding them by hand and they just spring back to normal position, and all i could think was maybe they work off the adjuster switch, so i tried pushing and pressing it and nothing happens, surely they wernt made not to fold at all, they wont last a week outside our house if so.
anyone can help would appreciate it
Look at the electric position knob on the right of the dash, push the knob down and see what happens!!
do they look like this (A)


or like this (B)

they look like the first photo (a).
..when ou say press the switch down, do u mean the same switch you use to adjust them? if so i done tried that and nothing happens...altho it was set to where u cant adjust them, ie in the middle position
By "push down", I don't think he meant push the button in toward the dash, you actually have to pivot it down toward the floor. My '04 one works this way at least. I'd be surprised if yours was different :).
thanks all for the quick replies, ..Freelaner, I had kind of figured that, was just hoping they may just have a dodgy switch, just amazes me that a car built in Britain for mainly britain wouldnt have folding mirrors as most of our roads are clogged up with parked cars and are (around here at least) mainly single lane roads because of that.
Maybe I'll make a metal "parking" cover for them, maybe it will make people think twice before they hit them if they know theyll come off worst
good news is they can take a hell of a battering from other vehicles and still stay in one peice ;) i know, some cars have dared to try to squeeze through gaps when i've been going through them>

strangely enough mine has one of each of these mirrors, drivers side is like yours and passenger side is folding, wierd.
So if Freelaner has one of each type, then they can be changed over? Even if no electrics it would still mean he could manually fold them in.

When I first looked at this I thought early FL's didn't have folding mirrors. Seems a bit stoopid to me.
So if Freelaner has one of each type, then they can be changed over? Even if no electrics it would still mean he could manually fold them in.

that is what i do ( with the passenger side )

just never got round to sourcing one for the drivers door :)
Having one manual and one electric mirror used to be a common feature on various cars.

The reasoning was that the driver could easily adjust the off-side mirror using the little joy-stick gizmo that many of them had (or put a hand out the open window.

The near-side needed to be electrical as there would possibly be no passenger to adjust that one.

Crap design thinking eh.

Penny-pinching and stupid.

Well that's even more silly.

Are you sure that someone hasn't done a cheapy repair with a non-folding mirror?

Did LR really fit one of each at the factory?

Makes you think that they just screwed on whatever was nearest on the shelf/assembly line bin.

well i've always thought that it must've been either a replacement mirror or door that was fitted.

the FL was originally fitted with two of the older ,non folding, mirrors when new ; of that I have no doubt.
Mine is a Es 2002 model and I just touch the joystick towards the floor and they both fold, except when I forgot and ripped the nearside off on the gate post.
I got a right B*****kin off the wife and I used to be a driving instructor !!!
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