Salisbury Nick

Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I suffered a white van man knocking my drivers side mirror recently - luckily it did not damage the outercasing, just smashed the glass out and broke the white plastic bearing/mounting that the mirror glass sits on and that is part of the gimbol for adjusting the mirror. So, I don't need a whole new mirror -just a bit of the inside - does any one know if this can be bought seperately, or cannibilised from another mirror - it is a 12pin mirror - but I suspect the motor etc is common to all the door mirrors - but it looks really hard to replace - any one got experince of doing this?



PS - I searched this forum, but the search seems to be broken, I could not get any results.
No you can't just buy innards for the mirror from LR.
However you might want to talk to Andy, or his missus (very knowledgeable lady on Rangies), at RangeRoverBreakers. They're at Timsbury outside Bath so not a million miles from you and have helped me out with little bits & bobs a few times.

Not meant as spam, just telling it like it is.
The mirror glass is held on by a white plastic ring, this is available as a spare part for a couple of quid from dealers. Or are you talking about the plastic part of the motor that the white part itself fits too?
Alan, Thanks - it is the white plastic ring that is broken - I maybe in luck. Failing that I'll do as dogsbody suggests. Thanks guys.

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