
Hi all, Having a bad week of it here!!!
To start of with the battery died, no great problem here but I just wanted to check that it was my battery so unlocked with the key and got in, clocked seem about right so I put the hazzards on, I could hear the relay clicking but no arrows flashing, so with the keys in the ignition I got out to check the indicators, with that the door shut behind me and locked, now normally this would not be to much of a problem as I could use the spares, only problem being I lost them in Torquay when boating and can only assume they are at the bottom of the sea!!!! So, to cut along story short started to remove the rear 1/4 window, akll was going well till it shattered! But hay ho I was in! New battery now in windows all set so it would seem I am making progress! Now my real problem is the doors locks, I've read various post and seem pretty much up to speed with the problem BUT the passenger door is perminatly locked!! I have tried pulling up the metal rod with pliers etc etc but it wont budge. Question is,
a) can I remove all the door trim with the door shut?
b) if so can I unlock the door once the trims of?
Im not too sure, it depends on how much you destroy the latch I guess. I would work on the assumption that once you do what it says the door will not be shut-able - i.e. it will close but wont latch. I would have a new latch assembly to put in all ready. If the latch has failed like your has then its no good whether you manage to make it latch or not, once you do the procedure on the page you wont be able to lock the door anyway so things will start going missing from your Range Rover, not really what you want!!

-Wills :)

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