Hi all,

i will set the scene,
bought my current 2003 D2 20 months ago, when i bought it the remote central locking didnt work, having had a 300tdi before that it didnt bother me, however that was only used for shooting at the weekend, this one is my daily drive, so i looked into possible causes, but in the meantime i could lock and unlock via the key, managed to find out it was the receiver in the roof lining, so bought a new one and had it installed, problem solved, a few days ago i went to the shop, locked the door behind me with the fob as usual, thought it cant be battery as the red light was still flashing on the fob, so tried to open it with the key, but id wouldnt work, didnt seem to go in all the way, walked home for the other key and that was the same, had to call AA out, presuming it was the receiver again i dropped the roof lining got the sensor out and have ordered a new one yesterday, so hopefully that will solve it, my question is, what is wrong with my lock, and whats the best way of sorting it out just in case this happens again.

Hi, do you mean only the driver's door didnt unlock but all the others did or nothing at all?...if only the driver's door put your ear near the latch and unlock with fob and if you hear some activity you need a new actuator, if it's completely silent we'll speak again
hi, yes i got a new receiver but still no joy, and cant really try anything on that list as the key doesnt go in the door properly to be able to turn,
You are going to have to open the door handle / lock and look at what is causing you the problem with the door lock barrel.


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