
Active Member
Had the series for a few days now, and I'm enjoying sorting out (or trying to), all the little problems and niggles she has.

By the way its an 82 series III ex mod petrol.

So, none of the locks work. (Both doors and the catflap one).

The keys I got don't unlock/ lock the catflap no matter how much wiggling and wobbling of the handle I do. (I've also tried about 50 different keys in the lock, and some went in, and turned the barrel so far, but didn't fully lock of unlock it).
I assume to change the handle and barrel I just need to get this part:
306461 REAR UPPER TAILGATE HANDLE ASSY | shop | | L. R. Series
And then just undo the two screw on mine, pull it out of the door, and screw in the new one?

Okay so now the door locks:
I currently have these ones (think they're MOD ones);

They don't lock from the inside or with the key. (From the inside, the little catch only moves about 2/3rds of the way up and won't go any further).
So again, I assume I can just undo the 4 bolts/ screws that hold them to the door, and then replace them with these ones?:
337801 DOOR LOCK & KEYS RH | shop | | L. R. Series

Hopefully I can get these ordered tonight and then have a landy that actually locks sometime next week!
You assume about right.........normally series dont have a key lock on passenger door, just lock from the inside with the lever........might be different on late series 3 though. Either way the locks are handed (just in case you think you need 2 of the locks in the link, RH).
Have a look around and you should be able to get a complete set on one key
Those anti-burst locks won't lock if they are not fully shut. I have to slam one of my doors quite hard before the key will turn all the way (same with the inside slidy thing). Have you tried 'locking' the door while it is open? The bit with the U-shaped cutout should come right down, and then the lock should er lock. If it does you may need to adjust the 'shut'. Hope this helps.
I the exact same proble with my 82 S3. I even changed all the barrels, but still didn't lock. So, in a temper fit I slammed the door shut and tried one more time. BINGO
How difficult is it to change the door lock barrels? I am missing two of them. I'd like to do it myself.
I would need to buy door locks for Series IIA. Should I get the entire door handle assembly and just replace that?

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How difficult is it to change the door lock barrels? I am missing two of them. I'd like to do it myself.
I would need to buy door locks for Series IIA. Should I get the entire door handle assembly and just replace that?

I even took the shims out of a new one that matched the side doors and put them in the rear door as the barrel dint match.
You can get the barrels out then take out all the levers (the tiny brass things) and move them about unitl you get a match with a key. Its a faff but cheap.

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