so if you get back to the thread here the question was about door hinges, I stated that I do Allmakes ones and that as we take our own pictures you can take a look at them, as people were disappointed with the quality of what they had bought. I also said that I didn't know how they fare after a number of years of service which was canvassing views on the hinges, that should be the subject for discussion and I suggest you take up your views on the running of the forum with those that run it.
In the meantime, if you have any experiences with door hinges then please contribute to this thread as I for one would very much like to know how good or otherwise these are.
... so circa 10 posts into the deal and half of them are spam ........
Hey c'mon!

Give the guy a break will ya??

OK so he's followed this thread and offered to supply the goods at better quality than those already bought by the OP.

Don't jump on him too hard at this stage as it was a one-off and he's trying to provide what could be a valuable service to those of us who use the forum, and want to source bits to those who are too idle to look up what they want on the net!

Does that qualify me for a discount?? :D:D
I brought the Ali hindges and they are brillant, can't fault them at all.
Just the price I didn't like £225
:focus: I have seen some good looking solid stainless steel hinges but they are pretty pricey too and might look a bit out of place if nothing else on the Defender is shiney,
i will be in the market for new hinges.. once i sort my bloody paint! all makes ones look alright to me..

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