
Active Member
Can you fit the newer improved design, later model hinges to earlier model defenders? Sick of the old model type wearing out and sagging!

Presumably you are talking about the stainless ones? If so, then yes as they are all the same centres!

Only ever replaced the pins on mine as I'm perpetually broke :D:D

It would be much easier to change the complete hinges, but I'm not one for replacing for replacements sake :eek:

Question is though, how do you keep wearing them out? Greasing them prolongs their lives!
Can't see why they keep wearing out & sagging. Mine are 12-years old and still have no play in them but I do give them a squirt of WD40 every few weeks so maybe that is it, a touch of regular maintenance and all your problems will be sorted?
A set of four (genuine) new ones is £20+VAT from RJ LandRovers. Fit them, look after them and you shouldn't suffer again.
I fitted a set from RJ Landrovers to my 1991 200tdi. Needed to spray them up first (didn't think orange would look too good on a blue Defender) - also need to make sure you get the right shims. Work great now they're on.
Just avoid the Britpart ones

My trusted supplier sent me a Britpart one yesterday as that was all they had in stock - appalling casting and I can barely get the two halves to pivot.,

Who'd have thought they could have fecked up a hinge!@!

He's said I can keep it (paperweight!) and he'll send a replacement when back in stock

Great service as ever from LRD (not spamming), but shocking quality from the one with the blue label:mad:
I have found the Allmakes4x4 ones to be pretty decent but have had no feedback on use after x number of years.
Just avoid the Britpart ones

My trusted supplier sent me a Britpart one yesterday as that was all they had in stock - appalling casting and I can barely get the two halves to pivot.,

Who'd have thought they could have fecked up a hinge!@!

He's said I can keep it (paperweight!) and he'll send a replacement when back in stock

Great service as ever from LRD (not spamming), but shocking quality from the one with the blue label:mad:

I got some the other week and yes very stiff and really pitted - might as well have cleaned the old ones up!
We have some hinges on our website shop and as we take all our own photos you can see decent pictures of what they are like, we do the Allmakes ones.
We have some hinges on our website shop and as we take all our own photos you can see decent pictures of what they are like, we do the Allmakes ones.

What discounts do we get?:rolleyes:

20% discount for Landyzone members?????????:D
We have gotta get some discount... Give us a reason to give you our money instead of the thousands of other shops :p even if it's 20% it's more in your pocket than theirs! :)
Nah!! Should be at least 40%, don't you think?? ;);)
:eek: If you knew how little margin there is in these parts you would wonder why I am in this line of business, I do sometimes :doh: Nowhere near 40%, rarely as high as 20% and mostly a fair bit less than that :( (break out the violins)
I do offer free standard UK delivery on orders over £100 :cool: and I will always try to do the best prices I can so if there is something you find much cheaper then let me know and I'll see what I can do for you. :cool:I can and will try! I won't always be cheapest but will always give the best service that I can.
A forum discount would be nice to do but I'm giving something back to you all by sponsoring this forum, if it goes well and generates some customers then I'll introduce a discount!

'Twas a tongue-in-cheek comment about the 40%!!

However, I'm sure that we would be more than happy with 35% :D:D


Should I go for the full orchestra now? :bolt::behindsofa:
We have some hinges on our website shop and as we take all our own photos you can see decent pictures of what they are like, we do the Allmakes ones.

does your ''sponsorship'' deal allow you to post what is usually deemed to be spam whenever you want ?

fair play if you are going to be genuinely helpful - but be prepared for lots of flack if all you do is plug your company
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I am here to be helpful and yes my sponsorship allows me to have a commercial hat on and promote my products. I get my plug out of the big banner at the top but if someone posts asking about certain products, I'll reply with a suggestion or offer.
BTW, I did get the tongue in cheek but at the same time do genuinely want to give the best deals that I can.
As regards flack, if I get a bit I'll take it in good fun, if that's all I get I'll pull the plug and end the support for the forum.
I've been a member of this forum privately for over 4 years and when I was asked if I would like to support it with my business I said yes knowing that there's a lot of banter and some opinionated individuals on here. Not a problem with that as I always try to do the absolute best job I can for every customer so stand by my rep.
In the case of this thread, the complaint was over crap hinges that didn't last, I think mine are better , I will not sell crap to anyone. Hopefully that's in the "helpfull" category.
so you'll be plugging your best deals whenever you get the opportunity ?
I think that's putting it too strongly, I don't have time to sit on here constantly looking for the chance of a plug but as I said before, if someone asks about a product, I'll answer with a suggestion. If you post up asking where can I get a thingy for my 96 Defender and I can help, I will.
There are a lot of posts on here that have nothing to do with a particular product and I'll continue to contribute as I have for the last 4 years. There is a section on the forum to post about specific offers and I'll use that as it's intended.
Hopefully I can get the balance right.
Hopefully I can get the balance right.

I hope so - and would suggest doing your bushiness via PMs

am not sure what your paying but having free rein to promote whenever you feel, or have the time - I just hope it's a fooking lot

Mr Accy, if you need money ask the masses for a few quid each - giving ''sponsors'' the right to spam whenever they feel the urge isn't right

the RR sponsor is very subtle, their banner says enough, the AF bloke keeps his head down ......... neither will attract any attention

so circa 10 posts into the deal and half of them are spam ........

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