Horses for courses and personal circumstance.
What suits and appeals to one person may not to another.

I enjoyed myself anyway. :)
Earth both batteries.

fix a feed from live on main battery to a 100amp relay, take a 2nd feed from relay to second battery.

Supply relay with a ignition switched feed or from Alternator W terminal (rev counter feed) so that 2nd battery is isolated from main battery until the ignition is switched on/engine is spinning.

Cheers ;) whats the smallest cable i could get away with, would4awg do or would i be better with 2 or 0?
Tis a good point well put. :D

Was going to fit a dual Voltmeter guage for the twin batteries but it seems you can't get them, so it is looking like a boost gauge, to be fair.

Shall get 2x Voltometer gauges and fit them next to each other in the would be sunroof switch panel instead. Also fitting a water temp gauge somewhere in the mix at some point too.

You can do it with a round digital display, or, an analogue with a switch to change between batteries?


I might have driven away with a roof tent ratchet strapped to the roof... cus my roof bars were too wide for the brackets they had. had to pay £15 for two ratchet straps though :( f**king day light robbery

It's now sat on a car transporter trailer in the front garden!
Am i the only one that thought it was absolutly crap?

Maybe been doing this too long but i walked around in 10 mins i did buy one thing but sold some bits to Alisport. main reason to go and my bro was picking up Marks Whitbread motor to bring back (the blue/white one) if I didn't go to help/sell stuff I woulda been most pee'd off!! Saw the usual suspects whitbread megasquirt some guys I compete with and Keiron from freespirit 4x4 said hello but the rest was pants lots of projects with serious price tags (house prices almost) and lots of bling stuff. Only thing I got was from mudstuff a center seatcup holder/map for £10 don't even think I need it I like my centre seat but it was fooking cheap.

No your not the only one, I live 10 mins away and went up at 9:30 and was back home at 11. Having said that I thought the overland stuff was interesting and Milner and Tomcat do some good motors from a competitive point of view if you can't build your own. I can't understand those huge challenge trucks though, I can understand the attraction of challenge events but if you need that sort of equipment then something is wrong, Perhaps it is just me but surely it should be about the team in the truck not the truck.
I will stick to ALRC CCV's on me 205's
No your not the only one, I live 10 mins away and went up at 9:30 and was back home at 11. Having said that I thought the overland stuff was interesting and Milner and Tomcat do some good motors from a competitive point of view if you can't build your own. I can't understand those huge challenge trucks though, I can understand the attraction of challenge events but if you need that sort of equipment then something is wrong, Perhaps it is just me but surely it should be about the team in the truck not the truck.
I will stick to ALRC CCV's on me 205's

Them massive challenge trucks are more designed for euro comps where spiders and the like are more common barely any of them are used in the uk. Still an awesome sight to look at and drool :p
My mate had his Whitbread motor there and I agree the most impressive motors I think were Milner they haven't got bling stuff just stuff that works for instance wishbones on display they are adequate and subtle no doubt made of high quality material and to a high standard although I think the new evoke (I know spelt wrong) was great it would have been nice to see it with proper comp tyres at comp ride height etc. the pea green 80/86 didn't really look too closely but was tidy I liked it a lot!!

The rest yea it's impressive but lotsa money and anyone can buy create motors and spider track axles and build it to half built frame just a question of money. Like wise anyone can buy a new motor doesn't mean they can drive it as quite evident in some big comp videos online the equipment far exceeds drivers abilitys
My mate had his Whitbread motor there and I agree the most impressive motors I think were Milner they haven't got bling stuff just stuff that works for instance wishbones on display they are adequate and subtle no doubt made of high quality material and to a high standard although I think the new evoke (I know spelt wrong) was great it would have been nice to see it with proper comp tyres at comp ride height etc. the pea green 80/86 didn't really look too closely but was tidy I liked it a lot!!

The rest yea it's impressive but lotsa money and anyone can buy create motors and spider track axles and build it to half built frame just a question of money. Like wise anyone can buy a new motor doesn't mean they can drive it as quite evident in some big comp videos online the equipment far exceeds drivers abilitys

I rather liked the series based trialler on the Allisport stand... I could see myself getting one of those in the future. Still reconisable as a Land Rover, but, with some really good capability
I went and wasn't bowled over, I have to say. Met a few people I know from other dealings in the motor industry and there were some bargains to be had ( got a couple of swivel shackle recovery points) but some of the stuff was a lot more expensive at the show than off t'internet! HD bumpers were more, ARB stuff was more and there was a high bling to useful stuff ratio....
I like a lot of X-eng's engineering solutions, I think they are very inventive but £35 at a show for a fan thermoswitch and mounting tube was taking the ****!
Bump google or YouTube alrc CCv nationals you will see lots of alrc spec landrover looking specials mainly with rrc/disco/discoII running gear
Had planned to go but stayed at home with a ***** chest infection.

Interesting about the Richards chassis for D1, I had emailed them about a couple of weeks ago about one - didn't get a reply and Marslands don't do one they tell me.

£1900 is a bit steep as it is fairly similar to the D2 chassis that they are making, and shorter than a 110 chassis at £1482. Any idea how much the D2 chassis costs?
No your not the only one, I live 10 mins away and went up at 9:30 and was back home at 11. Having said that I thought the overland stuff was interesting and Milner and Tomcat do some good motors from a competitive point of view if you can't build your own. I can't understand those huge challenge trucks though, I can understand the attraction of challenge events but if you need that sort of equipment then something is wrong, Perhaps it is just me but surely it should be about the team in the truck not the truck.
I will stick to ALRC CCV's on me 205's
I dont understand your inverted snobbery where you seem to consider your type of offroading as more righteous. Your class of offroading has a place as does the big boy stuff which requires a vehicle to be faster over tough terrain
ARTs Independent buggy was a total work of art ,even if only rich boys could buy one.
Sort of.............Art buy in create motors, create boxes create axles they Did buy in Spidertrax axles (Ok they now modify them now) but they seemed to be assemblers if you get me. I guess now they are making stuff, drop boxes etc (All decent frames look impressive new) Awaiting their new stuff but way outter my price range. Also all these new comps had evolved from trials way back in the 60's from ALRC roots. Comp safari's etc

People progress through from trials to comp safari due to the extreme cost and the way Comp have gone (not ALRC). It has simply priced many out of the game they now do the winch comps which is semi racing between hard stages (old comps safari's used to be harder not the flatter rally like stages you see now) what I find quite funny is guys jumping in and buying serious motors with Zero driving experience some P&P and messing about but nothing else. Each to their own tho and they will learn quick or spend lotsa money trying and good luck to them. What they don't understand is many of the older boys have done the trials, comps, and have the driving skills and the motors to compete seriously. Lots of guys with all the gear and no idea.

I know more than a few, Facebook is full of them giving poor or inaccurate advice and the noobies suck it up and preach to other noobies that then preach to others not unlike forums. Also recently seen a Whitbread truck (the blue one on the stand at Donnington) My mates motor whitbread built. It has a skid plate underneath which is nice and its well put together for its purpose but nobody in their right mind would lower the middle of the chassis by 2 inches to fit a skid plate for an offroad motor would they??? Comp safari maybe Winch event where ground clearance is King means the poor guy my mate on his 37 inch tyres is no better than another 100 inch motor with 33 inch tyres and no skid plate. All that money and semi sorted motor just to be worse than a std motor. Feel a bit bad for the guy if im honest. He's not spotted it or doesn't understand its significance yet. I feel bad telling him.

I used to rebel against the ALRC in my younger days and played with the AWDC trials (much fun it must be said) I rebelled against the ALRC because I thought they were stuck in their ways. I now see the light they are like that for a reason it keeps it at clubman level. They are becomming much more tollerant nowdays just check out the last few years of rule changes accepting modifications that give no advantage. Just look at the top drivers every year so close in points and the cars can be quite different but all to the rules. Its down to skill level of the driver more than how big his wallet is.

Just my 2p
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Well no one is going to make a engine or gearbox etc.
Art make their own portal boxes and as for assemblers, making the space frame links ,working out suspension geometry etc etc is the skill.
These pics show it isnt assembled from a kit and the fabrication machining skill is high.
I dont know art personally but to say they are just assemblers is just mad, I suppose house of the flying spanners are not in your league either


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Well no one is going to make a engine or gearbox etc.
Art make their own portal boxes and as for assemblers, making the space frame links ,working out suspension geometry etc etc is the skill.
These pics show it isnt assembled from a kit and the fabrication machining skill is high.
I dont know art personally but to say they are just assemblers is just mad, I suppose house of the flying spanners are not in your league either

I agree. Tis like saying Landrover are just assemblers cos almost all the parts are outsourced nowadays.
The guy was nice enough to talk to again looks very impressive all decent cages look great when new. he had np prices for the drop boxes there was only 6 ever made and no idea on costs yet. He wanted around £3-£4K for a basic cage not independant just frame no mountings just bent. Like I say not my cuppa Tea would be better to see one competing to be honest which will be next year i guess
My assemblers comment was because he spent 15 mins telling us he imports x engine and then imports x eng management then x gearbox then he imports x axles then he imports x ecu then he imports x rads from the states the list was endless hence my comment seems he imported everything from the states and charged a serious premium for doing so.
still think anyone coming from a trialling background has a great advantage over somone who hasn't. same as somone who has competed in trials/comp safari for some time will drive lots of terrain that some people think is bad or impressive which viewed from someone competing is the usual RTV course. A decent ccv motor/driver would simply outdrive lots of kitted motors in a well setup std ish motor.
Well no one is going to make a engine or gearbox etc.
Art make their own portal boxes and as for assemblers, making the space frame links ,working out suspension geometry etc etc is the skill.
These pics show it isnt assembled from a kit and the fabrication machining skill is high.
I dont know art personally but to say they are just assemblers is just mad, I suppose house of the flying spanners are not in your league either
I don't really pay much attention to the Euro challenge type events, if there are many teams using these huge challenge trucks competing on level terms then ok I can understand.They just seem huge to me
I'm not against spending money on a comp motor and I wasn't implying that my branch of 4x4 has better drivers,
no if I had the cash I would buy a milner and do French events, I haven't so I do ALRC
But then I like Land Rovers so another reason I do ALRC.

As for engineering Milner make there own gearboxes,shocks, steering racks, drive shafts and frames etc.

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