
New Member
Hello All,

I am a broke but happy S3 owner trying to scratch together a slightly different lifestyle. There is still a bit of work to get her sweet and reliable but I have run out of money for now. Can anyone help with any parts from the back of the garage that may have been long forgotten about? A nice spring clean perhaps, making some space for something you might actually use? :)

Particularly I need:
Earth straps / battery leads + clamps for battery terminals
Any wiring and related stuff (connectors. terminals etc)
An assortment of nuts, bolts and screws
Limestone paint :doh: as have a half painted roof and someone half-inched the rest of the paint from the drive
Any rubbers to stop water ingress
A multimeter as mine has just packed up.
And whatever else is likely to be useful!

I'd be happy to take boxfulls of jumble in the hope that once all put together I can salvage some useful stuff from it. I am on the Berkshire/Surrey/Hampshire borders so could collect from anyone near there or can cover postage for anything further afield, or even get fellow Landy owners driving past to collect for me??

I appreciate it's a long shot but people keep telling me how we Landy owners all help each other out :)

If it helps what I do have lots of is time. So if anyone is in a position to use the labour of an intelligent, practical, physically able chap in exchange for some bits or even just in return for giving me some guidance on my car I'd be happy to strike a deal!

Thanks all,


I really am happy to provide some labour in exchange for anything you might have and I am a fairly handy worker!
You can waxoyl mine in return for some new wiper spindles :rolleyes: I've got the stuff just cba right now

Got some old wiring from a winch too
if ya can afford to go to ''biarritz for autumn'' ya can afford some cheap landy bits

don't take the **** outta kind folks
if ya can afford to go to ''biarritz for autumn'' ya can afford some cheap landy bits

don't take the **** outta kind folks

I'm not sure how offering labour for parts is taking the ****. It's how we all used to live prior to a monetary system.

Fwiw I am not in Biarritz as lack of money changed my plans (profile since updated).

I also thought it was fair to ask as I know how easy it is to amass bits. Generally, which are of no use to you personally, do not hold enough value to sell, yet are perfectly usable and useful to someone who may at that time need them. I have parts (a used ignition coil, alternator, wiper blades), none of which I would sell, as by the time ebay, paypal and p&p taken out it's just not worth it. I would hate to throw them out as they are working - I just have no use for them. I am lucky that a friend is letting me use their empty garage to store my life's possessions, otherwise they would have to be dumped - or donated to someone, though I don't know anyone else who has a Series Landy.

I am a perfectly nice person, happy to work in exchange for something I need. You do not know anything else about me or about the kind of life I lead. I suggest then, that your response and apparent judgement of me is unsupported, unfair and incorrect. But you are entitled to your view on life, as am I.
To be fair Sean he has offered to prostitue himself in return for spares etc.. Shame he int rebuilding a disco As I have a garage load of **** I could do with getting shot off.
To be fair Sean he has offered to prostitue himself in return for spares etc.. Shame he int rebuilding a disco As I have a garage load of **** I could do with getting shot off.

perhaps, but having ''biarritz for autumn'' in a profile eh ......

like that yoof complaining he can't afford to pay the insurance on the landy his folks bought him, then flashing 15k worth of watch about

perhaps, but having ''biarritz for autumn'' in a profile eh ......

like that yoof complaining he can't afford to pay the insurance on the landy his folks bought him, then flashing 15k worth of watch about


Mate, your bitterness caused by spoiled rich kids shouldn't prejudice you towards everyone in life. Your summation of me couldn't be further from the truth. I was due to drive down to Biarritz in a cheap campervan which would have been my only home and contain everything I owned in life. Alas, I had to use the tiny amount of money for something else and so was not able to buy the camper. I scratch enough money together to feed myself and provide the very simple life I want for. I have never, and intend to never, claim a benefit and up until this year was always an above average taxpayer.

"Opportunistic" means taking advantage of someones immediate situation without consideration for moral issues. If anything, what I am suggesting is that someone else can be opportunistic with me - after all it is my immediate circumstances which are being taken advantage of.

Being a "freeloader" would require me to take advantage of someones generosity and provide nothing in return - not at all what I suggested which was an exchange of goods for services - or as redhand put it, to prostitute myself. Depending on the job, a day of my service could well be worth far more than the monetary value of any parts as I have been a well paid professional, am very physically fit working my nuts off at anything I do and also have a fair amount of intelligence to bring to any task.

I understand if this barter concept is not for you, but to write off everyone who doesn't come waving cash in hand is cynical, close minded and bitter. I really do understand where your distrust comes from in a society full of supposedly 'broke' people who have 52" flat screens at home, but you should aspire to regulate it a little bit until you have gathered some facts about the person you are judging.

PORNSTARMAX I'm in Bracknell. Thanks.
Water247, ignore Sean, the lack of trees on his lonely island has resulted in the sap rising in him instead. I can see where you are coming from. Good luck.
Pity there arn't more people about who value the barter system,it worked for thousands of years perfectly well untill some bright spark came up with our present false system.
Sounds like mom and dad sent him on a walk about to show him how easy life is when you have a silver spoon in your mouth
Ah yes, why allow such things as reading the thread properly and understanding the facts get in the way of a good old fashioned superficial condemnation! Do you live in the Bible belt by any chance.

:5bbanghead: ...bored now
Ah yes, why allow such things as reading the thread properly and understanding the facts get in the way of a good old fashioned superficial condemnation! Do you live in the Bible belt by any chance.

:5bbanghead: ...bored now

No.the great lakes region of the USA, North country/Farming life style, self sufficient. And believe in GOD

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