
HI All,

Finally! The car of my dreams has arrived. I picked up Doife (if you do the Gaelic pronunciation you'll get it!) last weekend.

Doife's a 58 plate 90 TDCi XS station wagon. That'll be Doife, me and our boys in my avatar.

The first bit of spannering was completed on Sunday morning when the back seats came out and I measured for the drawer system, now ordered from Masai. I be using the car for all sorts including walking, training and working the dogs, rough/walked up/driven game shooting and pigeoning and generally having fun on- (well, not much fun) and off-road (LOADS of fun!).

We already have a 12 plate Disco 4 XS which is a great car (SWMBO normally drives it) but it doesn't put that HUGE grin on your face as a 90 does! So we are officially now a fully Landy family.

I've been lurking for a while now and you seem like a good bunch. I like the ''level'' of humour here - a decent amount of p*ss taking and banter balanced with sensible help and advice.

On the matter of waving, as an ex-(proper 1969 plate) Beetle owner, I was looking forward to getting back into a ''Club''. Well blow me, I'd not gone 3 minutes from picking the car up, a 110 coming the other way gives me a wave. I managed to return it in good order I'm happy to report!

If you live in the Chichester/Arundel area, get those hands moving! And I don't mean giving me the beans!

Anyway, that's enough from me for now, I look forward to much larks!

HI All,

Finally! The car of my dreams has arrived. I picked up Doife (if you do the Gaelic pronunciation you'll get it!) last weekend.

Doife's a 58 plate 90 TDCi XS station wagon. That'll be Doife, me and our boys in my avatar.

The first bit of spannering was completed on Sunday morning when the back seats came out and I measured for the drawer system, now ordered from Masai. I be using the car for all sorts including walking, training and working the dogs, rough/walked up/driven game shooting and pigeoning and generally having fun on- (well, not much fun) and off-road (LOADS of fun!).

We already have a 12 plate Disco 4 XS which is a great car (SWMBO normally drives it) but it doesn't put that HUGE grin on your face as a 90 does! So we are officially now a fully Landy family.

I've been lurking for a while now and you seem like a good bunch. I like the ''level'' of humour here - a decent amount of p*ss taking and banter balanced with sensible help and advice.

On the matter of waving, as an ex-(proper 1969 plate) Beetle owner, I was looking forward to getting back into a ''Club''. Well blow me, I'd not gone 3 minutes from picking the car up, a 110 coming the other way gives me a wave. I managed to return it in good order I'm happy to report!

If you live in the Chichester/Arundel area, get those hands moving! And I don't mean giving me the beans!

Anyway, that's enough from me for now, I look forward to much larks!


:welcome2: to the loonyzone, Pete! :)

Never realised that there were Gaelic speakers as far south as that :confused:

Glad you are enjoying your landies, and that you have seen the light, and put the Zippo to the hideous K***twagon! :)

And larks are pretty endangered, you shouldn't be eating them! ;)
HI All,

Finally! The car of my dreams has arrived. I picked up Doife (if you do the Gaelic pronunciation you'll get it!) last weekend.

Hi welcome to the forums, Doife looks great :)

I am guessing the pronunciation would be the same style as the old Irish name, Aoife? but with a D? So Defa? or Deefa? *is confused* :p

So, you from Ireland originally? (asks a curious O'Gorman) :D

See you in the Defender section ;)

Defender 90 / 110 / 130 - Land Rover Zone
Hi welcome to the forums, Doife looks great :)

I am guessing the pronunciation would be the same style as the old Irish name, Aoife? but with a D? So Defa? or Deefa? *is confused* :p

So, you from Ireland originally? (asks a curious O'Gorman) :D

See you in the Defender section ;)

Defender 90 / 110 / 130 - Land Rover Zone

I think Gaelic speakers come from Scotland, that's why I was surprised to see he was in Arundel! :D

Irish speak Erse, if IIRC! Seriously! :)
I think Gaelic speakers come from Scotland, that's why I was surprised to see he was in Arundel! :D

Irish speak Erse, if IIRC! Seriously! :)

Haha, this is long confused. Both Scottish and Irish use slightly different forms of Gaelic. Gaelic (Gaeilge) is the Irish language, Scottish also speak Scots and Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) which is actually more similar to the Isle of Man language Manx (Gaelg).

Little lesson for you :p

All the above are part of the old celtic languages, of which there are indeed many :)

But yeah, I believe Doife will be the Irish Gaelic, not sure :p
Haha, this is long confused. Both Scottish and Irish use slightly different forms of Gaelic. Gaelic (Gaeilge) is the Irish language, Scottish also speak Scots and Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) which is actually more similar to the Isle of Man language Manx (Gaelg).

Little lesson for you :p

All the above are part of the old celtic languages, of which there are indeed many :)

But yeah, I believe Doife will be the Irish Gaelic, not sure :p

Well, hadn't realised you were such an authority! :cool:

My memory was I had seen references to Erse on trips to Ireland, I have been a few times, but not for a few years.

I don't speak either, but can usually work out written stuff, I am a Cornish speaker, although not fluent.

Dydh da! Ha dha weles! ;)
Thanks for the welcomes and replies all!

The boys are German Shorthaired Pointers, Alfie and Rufus, also known as Double Trouble :p

Thanks for the differing dialect lesson Fmog, I had no idea! I am in fact Scottish rather than Irish, but my drinking habits probably reflect more of the Emerald Isle!

And yep, Doife is indeed pronounced Deefer, though whether it's Gaeilge, Gàidhlig) or Gaelg is up for debate :D

Chat soon!
Now, now, play nice you two! I don't want to be responsible for fighting in the playground with my first post :D

That's not fighting just friendly banter! :)

Check out AG on a Friday night if you want fighting! ;)

I would guess most that have been on lz for any length of time will be pretty thick skinned anyway :D
Right, so chucking out time on Friday night in AG it is then - booked!

It can't be any worse than ARRSE's NAAFI bar surely???! And I'm NOT calling you Shirley :bounce:

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