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Can someone tell me how the dog guard fits in the P38?
Rimmer sell the brackets for the roof and there are a couple for sale on the bay .
I just cannot see how they connect and dont want to get the wrong one
Ta much
Open the back upper hatch and just throw it in. Be sure to have a certain amount of anger while doing this. Fits every time. Just watch that bloody headliner.. o_O:p:)
The holes in the roof are for the brackets but not sure guard fits to the bracket
Unless you get the one from rimmers with the fitting kit and instructions. It may be a touch more expensive but it'll be guaranteed to fit. ;)
There are holes ready under the roof liner for the brackets. I mounted the brackets to the guard and levered it up to where I judged it should be. Then probing with a sturdy needle trough the roof liner until i found the holes. Then cut the liner enough to access the holes where you have to insert a "pop -nut" as there are no threads in the hole. Pop nut in place the brackets can be mounted. Then it is easy to put in place the guard or remove it.

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