Looks like it might work but your gun will be on display.
Everything I’ve heard tells me to keep it out of sight.
Looks like it might work but your gun will be on display.
Everything I’ve heard tells me to keep it out of sight.

+ 1
Though I believe rural Suffolk is more laid back about guns that some counties, such as Essex where I live.
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+2 on display, round here that would probably get you pulled over for a check, and most certainly get you a broken window. A mate who had a sideline doing pest control for some local chicken producers said his biggest problem was getting pulled for a spot check at 4 am because he was the only thing about and haveing a "fresh out of training" copper find the shotgun and think it was Christmas. He had all the permits but they would get so over-excited at the sight of a gun it could take an 1/2 an hour to get some sense. He used to say "call the station, ask for so and so...".

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