
Well-Known Member
Both of my previous discos came with names from the owners, one had a sticker, and the other was called ant due to number plate being J63 ANT. haven't named my latest one, don't think i will? Do you lot name yours?
my disco is "fknsonofawhorebitch workyoudamnbastard" but to be fair to the old truck, she rarely deserves it.

the passat is Mo, on account of her plate
Afraid so :eek:

My old Defender was named Jack by my daughter (she was 3 then)

This one is called Mattie :D After Mat on here as he helped me a lot when buying her

My Disco I am far too ladylike to tell you what that was called, honest :D
yep i have oufey glu arseholes and oy all number plate related and arseholes is charcter related bludddy thing wont start or move for anyone but me its amazing my mum drove it it ate through its battery terminal so it did not have to work etc etc
The Beast Master Death Wagon. Named by just about everyone else but me, as I go hunting with it, when it works....
yep i have oufey glu arseholes and oy all number plate related and arseholes is charcter related bludddy thing wont start or move for anyone but me its amazing my mum drove it it ate through its battery terminal so it did not have to work etc etc

What the feck does that load of jumbled up words and ****e grammar mean exactly? ... Lost on me! :rolleyes:
Junior - I transferred the reg off my old S1 to my Disco. A bit like family names passed down the generations. My grandad was Fred. My dad is Fred. It skipped a generation with me but I kept it going by calling my daughter Fred.
Both of my previous discos came with names from the owners, one had a sticker, and the other was called ant due to number plate being J63 ANT. haven't named my latest one, don't think i will? Do you lot name yours?

Yes, but what did it say on the sticker?

There are stickers on parts of mine but they usually say 'NN0036/A' or 'XP451' or more ominously 'Britpart'. Not very edifying or even easy to pronounce. My girlfriend suggested calling it 'Hecate' but as we were driving on the motorway at the time I couldn't hear her properly and thought she was saying 'rickety', which may be more appropriate.
Mine is called Louise. It is an old friends middle name as the P38 really fitted the friends personality. 99% of the time I want to smack her in the face with a shovel, but that 1% just makes up for the rest of the time.

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