Anybody else out there insured?

with added synergy2a ?

yeah ..
and there was extra monthly premium to pay ..
but i wouldn't recommend the insurance co. ..
'cause they've proved themselves to be 'tricksters' ..
so will be changing next year come what may ..
I reckon I could easily remove the Synergy, Pierburg and loom (Except the switch cable) in 15 minutes max. and leave no trace that it ever existed...after all, the original loom and connectors are all there.

What about EGR blanking ???? Surely that's a modification , or LED side lamp bulbs ???
Maybe I should sit down and send them a letter enclosing a blank cheque, just to be a good boy :rolleyes:......I don't think so !!!!
that all well and good if after a accident you are able to get to the car ,and if they do discover it they will just say null and void and then you are in the deep poo ,I used to have something like rover rons fitted , and to be honest yes it did give a bit more power but it was just using more of the black stuff ,oops sorry that's because I am in Ireland still ,but you know what I mean and I got through turbo tubes quickly so have not bothered since and I do not think I will ,but if I do I would tell my insurance ,as they are getting so hot on.:angel:
From my experience, the insurance company will send an assessor. That's all he is. He'll assess the damage and the repair cost. He generally knows little about the electronic workings of the engine. From that point of view i can't see it being a problem as long as the install looks factory.
If you are unlucky enough to cause an accident in which the police think the car is a possible cause, they can request a vehicle examiner look at it. Having worked and helped one particular examiner a few times, I can't see him finding a well installed mod ether! All he ever checked was the function of the steering, suspension, the brakes and ABS system if it was fitted! He used to discount tyre condition and weather isometric tyres were on the correct way round. I'm not saying don't tell the insurance company, but from what I've seen over the years, a well installed mod is not likely to be found.
that all well and good if after a accident you are able to get to the car ,and if they do discover it they will just say null and void and then you are in the deep poo ,I used to have something like rover rons fitted , and to be honest yes it did give a bit more power but it was just using more of the black stuff ,oops sorry that's because I am in Ireland still ,but you know what I mean and I got through turbo tubes quickly so have not bothered since and I do not think I will ,but if I do I would tell my insurance ,as they are getting so hot on.:angel:


You are lucky in one respect (If you are in the South) as the price of diesel is cheaper than over here but the chances are that a visit to the pub will wound your wallet !!
No prob's with the insurance companies either over there, all they are interested in is charging ridiculous premiums...and the good old Gardai, they are, shall we say..."Laid back" !!!
that GardaĆ­ I nearly knocked over was not laid back he was still sitting up right LOL , was not my fault though he tripped into the road thank god I was not going fast, back home tomorrow

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