
New Member
Everything went just fine until today... Drove to wash the car, open the windows to talk to the guy who was about to wash the car and... I heard a small noise and "voila"... driver's side windows regulator gone when I wanted to close the window = Screen Shot 2012-11-10 at 9.50.29 PM.png

I am surprise that such windows regulator could "snap" that easily... Never though that the windows electric motor was that powerful. Anyway it is now fixed...
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Since the driver's side windows normally suffer more than other windows I hope I will not have to suffer from this again. The good news is that I was close to my favorite dealer that also happened to have this in stock and not away from Tokyo traveling with my loved ones!

Renaults are even worse for that particular part to part!

Despite being french (Hey, nobody is perfect!) I still don't understand why Renault exist, they never, ever made a car that is either sexy or reliable.
I think the biggest problem these days is that in order to save money/weight they are using thinner metal to make these parts, a false economy considering the regular stress they are under.

As for Renault, I wouldn't have one even if it was a freebie!
Since the driver's side windows normally suffer more than other windows I hope I will not have to suffer from this again. The good news is that I was close to my favorite dealer that also happened to have this in stock and not away from Tokyo traveling with my loved ones!

Despite being french (Hey, nobody is perfect!) I still don't understand why Renault exist, they never, ever made a car that is either sexy or reliable.

Whaddya mean? Don't want to stand up for the French (hey, nobody is perfect!) but what about the classic Alpine. Sexy, probably not reliable.
And be careful not to join the Renault Rovers owners club by mistake. It's easily done!
Despite being french (Hey, nobody is perfect!) I still don't understand why Renault exist, they never, ever made a car that is either sexy or reliable.

Some models have proved incredibly reliable, Lots of R4's still running, wife's R11 GT over 20 years old, still going strong and apart from service items pretty much original. OK not sexy, but by accident they did make the occasional reliable one, unlike LR who wouldn't recognise reliability if it hit them in the face.:p
Some models have proved incredibly reliable, Lots of R4's still running, wife's R11 GT over 20 years old, still going strong and apart from service items pretty much original. OK not sexy, but by accident they did make the occasional reliable one, unlike LR who wouldn't recognise reliability if it hit them in the face.:p

Yeah i remember the old Renault Dauphine. The one that used to turn over for fun. But it was re-engineered at vast expense into the Dauphine aerostable. It did not rollover like the standard Dauphine. It was a whiz around corners. Well it was unless the straps attached to the body and around the axle broke. It then reverted to being a standard Dauphine. French engineer is par excellence. :D:D:D:D
We will make you eat your words Renault DeZir Electric Concept Car - YouTube
Beauty on the streets

Electric cars may be great for removing pollution from city centers, but if you take into account the low overall efficiency of electricity generation and transmission, the energy used and the pollution cause making and the re-cycling batteries and the general unreliability of batteries, they are never going to replace the IC engine unless some magic new power supply is invented, even then they will find it hard to compete with hydrogen fuelled IC engines.

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