...window covers?
What you're looking at is a 'hard top'- no rear seats, plain van sides instead of windows in the back. The ones with windows and rear seats are the station wagon. ;)

There is someone out there (can't remember who) making side hatches that replace the original windows. The idea being that when the landy is loaded up with stuff, you can open the side and grab a couple of bits.
What you're looking at is a 'hard top'- no rear seats, plain van sides instead of windows in the back. The ones with windows and rear seats are the station wagon. ;)

There is someone out there (can't remember who) making side hatches that replace the original windows. The idea being that when the landy is loaded up with stuff, you can open the side and grab a couple of bits.
Aha! I see, thought it looked neat. Never seen one here in Sweden (and I live in the most Land Rover dense area, center of Stockholm). Thanks!

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