
Active Member
Hi All,

So I picked her up yesterday. Still can't stop looking at it lol. There is a few little niggles I need to tidy up over the coming weeks & months.

Does anyone know where to find the black rubber cover for the rear boot door handle as mine is missing and is going a little bit rusty.

The radio aerial seems to have been pushed way inside the housing and looks like it would be impossible to get out.

Hope someone can help
The radio aerial seems to have been pushed way inside the housing and looks like it would be impossible to get out.
You need an aerial key. They have a hollow tube on the end which fits over the top end bit of the aerial, and grips it when the key is tilted sideways. Bit like a domestic radiator key but a tubular rather than a square end. Everybody had one on their keyring back in the day.
If aerial has little slots in the end it will need a key like this to lift it up, the photo is a window lock key that may fit or be adapted to fit.

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