hi all, just to follow on a bit from what darren has said, yes we do organise trips out and about, the last one being on the 2nd of january with three groups driving different routes around the brecks but meeting up for lunch at a deserted picnic spot, other trips are planned for 2016 but places fill up really fast so you need to let us know asap once an event is posted up, we dont charge anything but do ask for a donation for the glass fighting fund but there is no pressure at all to donate
love it or hate it we run it all from our facebook page and as darren said you dont need to be a glass member or even own a landrover to take part
reports back from the last two we ran were good so it might be wort you having a look.
we also run a pub meet near cambridge so please feel free to come along
all details are to be found on the facebook page below

thanks, kirk

Both myself and a few other friends are looking for other landrover owners to drive the local lanes in Norfolk, Will take a look at the above links later when i finish work... Would love a day out driving through the forest!

Perhaps a silly question but why aren't we supposed to post up times and places to meet, is it to avoid being ambushed by a gang of angry horse riders waiting in the hedges?

Cheers, Steve
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To answer you question Steve - in other areas that may be a problem.

Around here its more an issue of unexpected guests and number. I like to know who I'm laning with so they either get an official invite or they're mates who I know I can trust.

Recently there was an issue with a group of 30 4x4 vehicles out and another with 85 bikes - ok Thetford there aren't many walkers / cyclists / horse riders but I don't feel that is appropriate and as GLASS member that would be country to GLASS's Code of Conduct. I've certainly heard through friends that there are a few anti 4x4 land owners in the Kings Forest area and generally I don't think large groups warms us well to non laning folk. And of course there's the usual muppets that think going off piste if ok....

I've recently heard some interesting (and to be honest scary) things about Section 59 that make me want to be sure about where I go, who I go with and how I drive.

If only the numpties knew what I now know......
I guess that sounds fair enough, to the non-landrover owner 30 big diesel vehicles in a line might not be what they want to see whilst going for a stroll through the forest.
I often go to North Norfolk to see family, and have always wanted to explore the countryside while laning up there.

I keep an eye on the topic in case a day out happens while I am up there out and about.

Nigel :)
I wouldn't mind tagging along some none damaging lanes, I take my 5 year old daughter with me so it has to be easy going.
I usually drive the lane in Kings wood but its not getting any better with deep ruts at one end and I can see this causing a problem if it gets any worse.

Plenty of other good lanes around there that are sustainable in Kings and Thetford.

Next time we head out I'll try and give you a shout. As Uncle Jessie mentioned a lot of trips are run via Facebook, and and there's now a dedicated group for Greenlaning in Thetford.....again on Facebook....
Coolio, I'll check it out, I'm kind of grounded at the moment, until mid April, new baby due any time now so I cant stray too far from home,.
All being well, should be coming up for a week from Sunday 13th, be great to have a go on some lanes as never done this in Norfolk before.
Will be staying with family in North Norfolk near Cromer again :)
Just wondered has anyone navigated the Peddars Way? I've been wanting to drive it for a long time but I'm told that much of what can be driven is very fragmented and difficult to find the legal route?
I've driven part of it north of Caste Acre but not all the way to the coast. Also done some bits around Thetford as well. Like all of these areas you need decent maps and routes. The best information available is either Norfolk Interactive Map and/or Trailwise. Trail wise will give you 3km as a guest and limited info, GLASS / TRF membership gets you full access....
hi all, just to follow on a bit from what darren has said, yes we do organise trips out and about, the last one being on the 2nd of january with three groups driving different routes around the brecks but meeting up for lunch at a deserted picnic spot, other trips are planned for 2016 but places fill up really fast so you need to let us know asap once an event is posted up, we dont charge anything but do ask for a donation for the glass fighting fund but there is no pressure at all to donate
love it or hate it we run it all from our facebook page and as darren said you dont need to be a glass member or even own a landrover to take part
reports back from the last two we ran were good so it might be wort you having a look.
we also run a pub meet near cambridge so please feel free to come along
all details are to be found on the facebook page below

thanks, kirk


Hi, The links to this facebook page and the other groups mentioned earlier in this thread don't seem to be working any more, could someone perhaps update them please, I would be interested to find out more about possible green laning in and around Norfolk, as like the person who started this thread the only clubs I know of that go out near Thetford are more interested in mud plugging / "off roading" than green laning. I found the GLASS group on facbook but that does not seem to be specific to Norfolk?
I've driven part of it north of Caste Acre but not all the way to the coast. Also done some bits around Thetford as well. Like all of these areas you need decent maps and routes. The best information available is either Norfolk Interactive Map and/or Trailwise. Trail wise will give you 3km as a guest and limited info, GLASS / TRF membership gets you full access....

Thanks for the tips. I'll checkout the maps on "Norfolk Interactive Map", that's one I've not seen before. I have done a bit near Castle acre but after that its a bit more difficult to follow and although I have found a few route's / maps online I'm not too sure they exactly follow the proper route, as you say good maps needed and probably worth joining GLASS
The Facebook page is not specific to Norfolk - it's the East of England one....
East of England Green Lanes - Green Lane Association

Although it's a GLASS run page (run by the Reps of Cambs, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk) you don't have to be a GLASS member to join. We also run a pub met last Thursday of every month at the White Horse, on the A603 at Baton, just South East of Cambridge. I know it's not local to everyone but it was previously at Bury and most people were travelling from Cambridge to get to it!

Hi, The links to this facebook page and the other groups mentioned earlier in this thread don't seem to be working any more, could someone perhaps update them please, I would be interested to find out more about possible green laning in and around Norfolk, as like the person who started this thread the only clubs I know of that go out near Thetford are more interested in mud plugging / "off roading" than green laning. I found the GLASS group on facbook but that does not seem to be specific to Norfolk?
Purplemk - no it's a "Closed" group to stop the world from seeing it but anyone with an interest in green laying is welcome to join......hope to see you on there soon....

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