
Well-Known Member
Hi all

I'm looking to meet up with others that go green landing around the Thetford area, or further afield in Norfolk and Suffolk. I don't know that many 4x4 owners.

I can, and have found and check the status of, BOATS in the area and driven a few of the gentle ones, that I have pretty much no chance of getting stuck on, by myself. The weather is changing now though and I'd far rather go along with others. Bit less lonely for a start :)

I've looked into the local clubs around here but they seem far more into trials and pay and play days than a bit of gentle driving through the woods.

Does anyone go out and be willing to put up with a novice?

You seem to have made a good start.

Good luck with the search, im sure someone will be along with an invite soon. :)
I used to belong to the Suffolk Land Rover Owners Club and some members used to org trips via their forum.

I'll probably be rejoining in the new year myself.
Most of the time I lane in Essex (lots to choose from), Suffolk has very few open lanes and not sure on Norfolk.

Spent a weekend around thetford which was pleasant, very gentle non scratchy lanes and nice scenery.
I used to belong to the Suffolk Land Rover Owners Club and some members used to org trips via their forum.

I'll probably be rejoining in the new year myself.
Most of the time I lane in Essex (lots to choose from), Suffolk has very few open lanes and not sure on Norfolk.

Spent a weekend around thetford which was pleasant, very gentle non scratchy lanes and nice scenery.

Yes, the lanes around here are pretty gentle. I've a few more I've found to explore.

I've joined the Suffolk LRO club forum but haven't stuck my head above the parapet yet :)

I figure I need to join a local club but hard to tell who. One is all on facebook and seems largely into trials, one is completely locked out so hard to judge, and then the Suffolk guys.

I guess I just need to pick one and give them a go :)
Norfolk's flat isn't it? No wonder the lanes are gentle! :D :p

Sorry! I reckon half the fun is going somewhere that a person with a normal road car would not go. Knowing that they will get stuck on a wet field and you won't (shouldn't!) is one of life's simple pleasures in ownign & driving a Landy.

Norfolk's flat isn't it? No wonder the lanes are gentle! :D :p

Sorry! I reckon half the fun is going somewhere that a person with a normal road car would not go. Knowing that they will get stuck on a wet field and you won't (shouldn't!) is one of life's simple pleasures in ownign & driving a Landy.


Yep, totally agree. But boggy in places as well. But that's where I live.

It's a bit far to head up to my mum's in the Cairngorms every time I want to go green laning :)

There are lanes around here that you wouldn't get a car down.
Hi Kev,

Recently bought a Discovery 300tdi and quite fancy doing a bit of laning. If you still would like a bit of company next time you go, let me know. I live in Lakenheath so not too far away.

Hi Guys,

I'm a recent member of GLASS and live fairly locally to Thetford (Burwell - just outside Newmarket).

We may be venturing out this Sunday (29th of December). If you're interested then let me know and maybe we can get something organised between us?


Hi Darren,

Yep, I'm up for going out Sunday. Let me know when and where you would like to meet. Will it be ok if I bring the kids along?


I David,

Yep Sunday sounds good. By all means bring the kids - I will be bringing at least one of mine (girls - 9 & 14 - although 14 yr old often does her own thing.....)

If I don't hear from Kev@Kenninghall I reckon we could come to you as one of the lanes we've used before starts just up the road from you.

Otherwise a good place to meet is 5Ways where the Little Chief / Burgerking is..... we can take it from there.

I will be in a grey 4 door Range Rover Bobtail. If there are any problems I will let you know.

Do you have any recovery gear just in case? Also what tyres are you running? If not I have some ropes, a highlift and some other bits and bobs.....although I'm not planning on getting stuck.
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Room for another? I was just looking to see if anyone was playing out this weekend and there it was. Not to far from me as long as my wheel bearing holds out until then. I shall probably be out that way anyway but it would be great to meet up with others as I haven't been out for quite while now. I believe that quite a lot of glass groups head out that way over the xmas period as it is well drained and not difficult at all ( most of the time ). If you could let me know where you are meeting that would be great. Can't promise to be there though due to wheel bearing but I shall try.

Thanks, Dave
Sure Dave,

To keep things simple I think we will aim meet at 5 Ways, Mildenhall, A11 - meet in the Little Chief / Burger King carpark next to petrol station on Westbound side of A11. PM me for times....

Hope you get the wheel bering sorted in time! What r u driving btw?


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Hi Darren,

1030 at 5ways will be good for me. I will driving a green 3 Discovery 300tdi. I'm running Insa Turbo's and have a winch on the front and plenty of straps. I'll probably have both my kids, also 9 & 14.

See you Sunday
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Hi Darren,

1030 at 5ways will be good for me. I will driving a green 3 Discovery 300tdi. I'm running Insa Turbo's and have a winch on the front and plenty of straps. I'll probably have both my kids, also 9 & 14. My number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

See you Sunday

send info by pm, not on an open forum.
Great, I shall probably be driving a scruffy, dented, wobbly wheeled disco. The good disco isn't allowed off tarmac yet. Looking forward to it.
Ah, missed all this. I wouldn't have made it anyway as funny noises coming from the clutch area again.

Hopefully I'll be back on the road again in a couple of weeks and would be up for joining in any further trips.
Hi Kev,

Check out my new thread "Who was out in Thetford today". We're planning another trip late Jan early Feb - some guys maybe coming up from Herts as well...

Send me a PM with your email and I will give you a shout when we come up with some provisional dates.....

In the meantime good luck with the clutch.....



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