
Lord Hippo
Does anyone have a Mantec Freelander 1 sump guard they could upload photos of? Looking to see how it fits and what it covers/protects.

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The pictures attached are not of mine but they might help.
I used a sheet of 6mm Ali checkerplate.




Ooooo that looks the dog's dangly's :D Dont suppose you fancy making me one for a little profit to yourself?
I've got their sill protectors, they weren't cheap but I hear alu tread plate has gone up in price


  • NI's undercarriage.jpg
    NI's undercarriage.jpg
    147.4 KB · Views: 2,222
Thanks for the photo’s.

Is the guard above posted by andy131 home made or the mantec guard?

I did look at putting some checker plate under the standard guard but I’ve split the welding on one side of the guard a bit. So we looked at the mantec guard. I understand Safety Devices also make then, but can’t find a photo on their site, or online anywhere. I did have an offer from someone to weld the checker to mine, but after paying £65 on ebay for the plate, plus more £ for someone to bend it by 20-30 degrees, the hassle factor v cost set in. Hence requesting more photo’s of the mantec device to see beforehand what it’s shape and size is. The mantec guard is £301 inc post + vat. May seem a lot but a replacement sump or auto gearbox would be far worse.

On a brighter note, I’ve recently managed to change all 3 timing belts on my v6 hippo myself. Not the easiest job as a first ever belt change to do. Hence the better protection to keep him in working order.
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£30 worth of scrap ally will protect far mor than the mantec one....goes beyond ARB etc....Odd cut outs and slightly different shape to drawing as thats the metal I had



Sorry about quality of drawings but the best I have


Also does not lose ground clearance like Mantec

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I measured the mantec guard against the standard LR guard and the difference is only 15mm max. This isn’t much to loose. We had a look at making something but don’t have welding kit etc. I’ve split the front left weld on my original guard so that put me off using it. Also bending metal 6mm plus thick is difficult to say the least. Hence purchasing the mantec guard. I did have an offer from a welder to help but the time and effort in getting it all sorted wasn’t worth the hassle factor for a 1 off job needed asap.

We’ve enquired about getting guards made for the sump, exhaust, petrol tank, sills, and prop/vcu by a company which cuts and bends sheet metal for my employer. They can bend up to 10mm aluminium, have laser and water cutting kit + welding kit etc. They’re prepared to take on an order for a batch of the above. I’ve got several names of people who would like protection but need some more to spread the set-up time/cost. I’m prepared to finance the arrangement myself, and pass on the guards at no profit to myself when we have enough names. Designs are not complete yet.
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