
New Member
Hi, was just wondering if anyone is making there own bio diesel and could give me afew pointers as the process,
Hi, was just wondering if anyone is making there own bio diesel and could give me afew pointers as the process,

making proper bio is quite a lengthy, involved process.

you need to decide whether you want to run your vehicle on proper biodiesel (quite a difficult, scientific process. can be expensive to set up) or a veg/derv mix (quite simple and cheap to set up).

have a read of this vegetableoildiesel.co.uk - Powered by XMB and then make your own mind up.
The myth about bio knackering the fuel system comes from excess methanol left over in the final fuel. This is also why I won't buy bio from anyone else as I cannot be sure if it is clean.

See my thread in the FAQ about filtering WVO, with pics.
just having a pop at it myself found Journey to forever very useful but nothing compared to talking face to face with someone who knows and seeing there setup. First test litre currently settling so Ill let you know what happens... ;)
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I researched it a couple of years back. I made a litre of it as an experiment. It's just not worth it unless you do it large scale and use it all the time (and bio proof your engine) SVO or SVO/derv mix and maybe a pre-heater may be a better option.
Thanks for all the help and addvice, just getting everything together at the moment and hope to be up and running shortly. let me know how you get on with your first batch SiliconWombat

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