
Country bumpkin
Hello all who walk this hallowed turf :D
Any ideas on TD5 starting probs.
Turn the key ...listen to the fuel pump ( whines like a half dead dog!)
Then engine turns ...and turns ...and turns ..then eventually fires ..but dies ...
So I turn it again ...and it eventually splutters into life.
Once running , it goes fine, on all cylinders and idle is good.
I recently took it to a local LR main dealer to get the prob diagnosed fault codes coming up at all?
She's had an injector harness renewal a few years ago and also had ecu checked for oil running back , nothing there.
Bit stumped as to what to do next ...has anybody had experience of similar prob?
Is she getting too much contaminated London smog ( she's missing that pure Cornish air lol) :D
Muds :(:confused:
Also, may be of use or may not.

Landrover toolbox on Youtube ran a series of videos on TD5 bad starting problems.

Also, may be of use or may not.

Landrover toolbox on Youtube ran a series of videos on TD5 bad starting problems.

Thanks neilly I'll go take a look ....haven't done the fuel purge, but I am aware of the procedure so I'll give that a go too.
Also, may be of use or may not.

Landrover toolbox on Youtube ran a series of videos on TD5 bad starting problems.

OMG the Land Rover toolbox is addictive :D
Going to need to find a really knowledgable landy man/ garage in Herts ...without sounding offensive , I think that the main dealer is only interested in new vehicles and if there's no codes coming up then I need to find a TD5 man who's seen it all before :( any recommends ?
I know what you mean about the Lany toolbox videos. Did any of it help?

Might be worth putting up a separate post regarding your search for a garage / mechanic in Herts in the General Landy forum.

I know what you mean about the Lany toolbox videos. Did any of it help?

Might be worth putting up a separate post regarding your search for a garage / mechanic in Herts in the General Landy forum.

It did help in theory ....I know everything can be fixed ...its just getting the right diagnosis ...the main dealer did mention injector replacement etc ...but as the fuel pump is so noisy ( but is delivering fuel) I don't really want to go off on some random direction when really they can't say for sure that that's the prob...replacing injectors is going to be a hefty price ...I don't have any reassurance from them that it's the prob. So I think finding someone who's going on years of experience rather than a technician that needs to be told by the ECU , is a better bet. ( please don't think I'm dogging down the mechs at the posh place, I'm not, just not confident they know what's wrong)
How did it go with the purge procedure?

Saw your post in the beds . bucks, herts thread.
You may find there is not real traffic thru that thread, there is a large time gap between posts on it.

It sounds to me like a fuel pump problem.
You say that it sounds like a dog whining, mine makes a sort of reassuring hum.
Even if you're getting fuel delivered to the engine, a dodgy fuel pump could do that but not at the required pressure.
The Td5 doesn't have a separate high pressure fuel pump like some other diesels but the tank mounted fuel pump does both low and high pressure delivery.
It sounds to me like a fuel pump problem.
You say that it sounds like a dog whining, mine makes a sort of reassuring hum.
Even if you're getting fuel delivered to the engine, a dodgy fuel pump could do that but not at the required pressure.
The Td5 doesn't have a separate high pressure fuel pump like some other diesels but the tank mounted fuel pump does both low and high pressure delivery.
Hi Brian ...I'm pretty sure that the garage tested the fuel pressure and it was ok my mind it is making a hell of a lot more noise than it should be ( and what I'm used to hearing from it) .
There's no way on this earth I'm going to be able to sort it myself so I'll just have to try and find a local- ish garage to help I'm new to this area, it would be good to have some recommends, but I'll try good ol' Google if I have to.;)
So we found a great garage to look over the LR ...chap did loads of tests of fuel pump , printing pump, fuel lines, filters , battery ...he thought he'd cracked the prob, but she's back to reluctant firing again, so his diagnosis and that of the main dealer is injectors ...trouble is , he says he's not got the equipment to do the job himself it's either back to the main dealer ( who I've rung twice now and been told they'll ring me back - I'm still waiting :rolleyes:) or find somewhere else ...just don't know which way to turn ...anybody got any knowledge of good landy garages/ men in Hertfordshire ...TIA
Muds :(

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