
New Member
Hi folks.
As you may know I have a 1996 classic with the dredded air suspension. I am determined to try and keep it in tip top condition and NOT convert to springs ( £ permitting ). I know a lot of you have and will fit springs and I fully understand your reasons.
This post is to point out to those who don't know about this brilliant free software for resetting and calibrating the Classic and P38 air suspension.
I have followed all Storeys' insrtuctions and am now able to 'talk' etc to my classics EAS ecu and make adjustments as required.
I have found him to be very very helpfull via email and he posted my lead out ASAP.
If anyone has a problem with their EAS please give his website a look before deciding on converting over to springs. If anyone has another type of SW please let me know. Knowledge is everything. :)
He also does a dedicated cable for classics's as well, its not on his web site you have to ask for it, its about $46 I think ( it was $76 including express delivery to here) , mine is on its way and will hopefully rescue my LSE which is stuck with my less than knowledgeable French mechanic. The small independent garages out here (near Carcassonne, France) have lots of problems getting the main dealers to help them. Which is fairly obvious why but they are supposed to do so by their local trade associations rules.

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