Do you trust your snorkel 100%

  • Yes, I sealed every joint from mushroom to inlet manifold!

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • Hmm, kinda, I sealed every join I could get to!

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, didn't fit it myself

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • No, I only sealed it against the wing!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Guys n girls,

With flooding around this way (Langport, Somerset) pretty serious and many roads beyond the reach of cars I can't help but wonder how many LR drivers with snorkels are actually 100% confident in them - are you?

Being truthful, I'd have to admit myself I couldn't get the heater box out, so the one joint behind that remains as it left the factory and is another job on the list!

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I don't wish to, but the floods around these parts are not a brief affair being that the terrain is so flat you're in em' for minutes...

I'm confident that my snorkel is ok but I am still fully aware that the throttle pot on my landy is susceptible to water ingress when static.

The key problem that always worries me is submerged obstacles whether it be the road washed away or a tree down across it or a multi strand wire fence etc.

The arguments about whether people should or shouldn't drive their vehicles down closed and or flooded roads always rages on when brought up. I say that unless it's essential then it shouldn't be done. Others say I'm a kill joy.

Let the games begin. :D
I don't wish to, but the floods around these parts are not a brief affair being that the terrain is so flat you're in em' for minutes...


If you get it wrong on a lot of the flooded roads on the levels, you're a goner. Don't forget about all those water filled ditches down the sides of the roads. The hedge rows don't always follow the road so you can't rely on them 100% for navigation purposes either.
Like Ratty, i aware that my ECU and the relays under my seat box are susceptible to water as well as the air intake.

I also would be less keen to drive through a flood unless i could see where i was going or i was 100% sure the route was debris free.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if most "snorkels" are just a cosmetic addition. Just because a snorkel is fitted doesn't mean that it is waterproofed elsewhere, there is a lot more to think about, electrics, breathers, etc.
As regarding actually driving through flood water, unless you definitely what lies under the surface be VERY careful. There could be all sorts of nasties under the water, besides if the water is also flowing even a large 4X4 can become a boat !
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I am still scared to drive through deep water, I am 99.99% sure I did a proper job but the only way you will find out is when you conk out in a river :p
I am still scared to drive through deep water, I am 99.99% sure I did a proper job but the only way you will find out is when you conk out in a river :p

why don't you test it by sticking a rubber mat or similar over the top of it and seeing if yer vehicle stalls or sucks like an asthmatic ?;)
Mines on there and sealed as best I can, all breathers extended up the snorkel and breather kits fitted to timing case etc, no way I'd ever trust it, it's basically on there in case the worst happened, caught in a flood or cut off sea fishing etc.
Insurance wanted an extra £200 a year with snorkel fitted as they say it's a body kit haha, robbing bast£&@s, ok I took it off mr insurance man ; )
I am still scared to drive through deep water, I am 99.99% sure I did a proper job but the only way you will find out is when you conk out in a river :p

You can take the mushroom off and gently cover the intake while listening for air rushing in (and it works) but I have heard this can potentially damage the turbo though perhaps the example I read about the guy had a very week unit that was due to fail soon - who knows!

You can take the mushroom off and gently cover the intake while listening for air rushing in (and it works) but I have heard this can potentially damage the turbo though perhaps the example I read about the guy had a very week unit that was due to fail soon - who knows!


Yeah I have thought about it but it doesn't sound like it will be good for the car!

As mentioned above it's there if I need it but i'm not going to go out wading deep stuff just because I have it.. Stopped all the dust and sand being sucked up in Morocco too :)
Yeah I have thought about it but it doesn't sound like it will be good for the car!

As mentioned above it's there if I need it but i'm not going to go out wading deep stuff just because I have it.. Stopped all the dust and sand being sucked up in Morocco too :)

Sucking water into an un-sealed snorkel isn't gonna be good for the car either:doh::doh::doh:

You don't have to fully block the snorkel to hear the hissing from air leaks.

The other thing you could do is to spray wd40, carb cleaner etc on the joints and listen to see if the revs increase.

I'd rather know mine is air tight when in the warm and dry than in the cold and wet.:lol:
Sucking water into an un-sealed snorkel isn't gonna be good for the car either:doh::doh::doh:

You don't have to fully block the snorkel to hear the hissing from air leaks.

The other thing you could do is to spray wd40, carb cleaner etc on the joints and listen to see if the revs increase.

I'd rather know mine is air tight when in the warm and dry than in the cold and wet.:lol:

+1, waste of time having one if it ain't sealed and don't work when required..;)
the one on my old disco was 100%, I know cos I fitted it and then covered the end and after a short while the engine stalled for lack of air.
the one on my current fender is crap, I can see the gaps around the edges, got to find time to strip it off and refit but I'm to busy fighting the crap "rewiring" done by previous owners.
Mine is all sealed up with silicone including the air box, gona split the air box to change the filter, I've also sealed the timing case bell housing and starter motor, all breathers extended up to the top of the snorkel including fuel tank breather.

Mine works as I went through a puddle off roading that came up to my window, my door seals on the other hand and my seat boxes leak like mad.

This isn't me but it was a ellington banks p&p at the weekend.
don't have a snorkel but breathes and intake are set up under the bonnet ready for a snorkel and I trust taking her to the new wade.depth I have created. Saying that I do splash in water on partially flooded roads round my way but would avoid wading if I could.

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