do you flash or wave other rangie drivers?

  • flash

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • wave

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • ignore

    Votes: 12 34.3%

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RR P38

New Member
I used to drive subaru imprezas before i got my rangie.In the scoobies when passing another on the road the majority of drivers gave a wave or a flash,I was wondering if any of you guys do it.Iv had a few waves but not many.
If it's bloke driving the other Rangie i ignore him. If it's a nice young blond bird i flash. But only if i can get my flies undone fast enough.:D:D:D
i use to flash and wave when i had my classic didnt get a lot back tho.

now i have my series im always gettin flashed at . dnt think its a rangie thing :rolleyes:
I ignore other Rangies
Unless it's a P38 on the hard shoulder or with the bonnet up. I doubt that I'd be able to repair it but I'd offer any help (Get the missus and kids to the next services) that I could.

And I have.

Never felt the same way since I drove a Morris Minor.
Hi all

we all ignore each other in Jersey but there are loads of P38's on the road hear and every other car is a black rr sport.

For many years I rode a variety of motorcycles, and always nodded at fellow bikers, who in turn nodded back. One day I was road testing my sister's moped and out of habit nodded at a big biker on a big bike coming the other way - all I got in return was a big finger. :D
I wave back if waved at by other Rangie drivers, any Rangie - I ain't proud. Like Dogsboby I would stop and offer whatever help I could if I saw one broken down, but then I would likely do so for any Land Rover driver. I carry Hawkeye with me in the car so could likely clear faults for P38 drivers and help them on their way.
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If it's bloke driving the other Rangie i ignore him. If it's a nice young blond bird i flash. But only if i can get my flies undone fast enough.:D:D:D
I wave to any landy, if I notice them. The prob is when I wave to other vans on my firm when in my rangy. I just get blank looks. I dont flash people. I can never get my flies down quick enough. Then again they would proberly just laugh
I flash or wave to any other RRC. found most Body filler drivers to be arrogant gits. as are most l322 and sport drivers round here.

Always nod to series or def's but get f all back.

Would always help an RRC def or series out though if stuck on the side of the road.
I always wave to RRC and P38's.

When driving RRC other RRC drivers normally wave back. When in the P38 some will wave but most will ignore. L322 and RRS drivers generally pretend they haven't seen my filthy, much covered P38.

BTW over here on country roads you'll generally get a nod or a salute regardless of what you're driving :p
I wave back if waved at but dont normally initiate the waving. As mentioned when on my bike i nod at other bikers, found classic mini drivers are avid wavers when i drove my sons around for a while
I used to have a Lotus Elise and other owners would always wave or flash or both! We sold that and got a Porsche and it couldn't be more different! No one waves :-( in fact no one lets you out at junctions you get cut up all the time and we've even had people spit at us and once we stopped at the golden arches on a long trip and when we came out someone had kindly thrown a cup of coffee over it! Nice....
I've tried but no one has ever waved back it in Rangie yet but I'll keep trying ;-)
Always give a wave to RRC's or P38's but never L322's or L320's.

Most people give a wave back but some either pretend not to have seen or give a completely blank look.

I always stop and try and help any broken down P38 too. Have made quite a few friends doing that. :lol:

When it's the Billing LR show and I go over to that part of town almost every LR will wave and smile which is always nice.

-Wills :)

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