It was my FIL who started it in our family, Mr Foxy and I got a disco 200 tdi about 2wks after he got his 300, then bro in law got a 200, mine stayed standard, for parking etc, they both heavily modded theirs, 4yrs. And 6 discos later we still have the Ruby and Luke but FIL has bought himself an Amarok! (VW pick up). :eek:
It is like a mental illness tho, as soon as we decide one is beyond repair, I am straight on here or on eBay looking for my next landy, other cars aren't on my radar now:D
No kids for me yet you ol' gits!

Girlfriend hated it at first though. Called it ugly. Told her that I'd stop her sitting in the middle seat if she continued on and I haven't heard a peep since!

I think my 8 year old can be kept on track, if I keep taking him to watch Land Rover trials. Me I'd love another 4.0 V8 Discovery, but I have a car and Range Rover, so out of the question I'm afraid. :(:(:(
It looks so odd seeing that parked up in a U.S. street. There can't be too many Land Rovers about out there.....can there?
Actually here on the western slope they are pretty common as we are within 60 miles of Aspen and Vail, both heavily populated with Rangies. Once you start getting farther from the Glenwood Springs area and into the hinterlands then not so common. But we do have a large Land Rover dealedrship withing 20 miles of us, the only one on this side of the state.

It's a great looking car with a few niggles, leaking rear diff, leaking power steering box and an ABS light that stays on, but nothing too bad. He's a hunting guide and needs it to haul clients around. He used his Toyota Four Runner this year and it didn't cut the mustard.
Oi does your disco's rust out as bad where you live as they to in the UK?

What year is it and miles, v8 of course

No they don't. And it doesn't have a sunroof!!:cool:

It's a '96 with some mods. 2" lift and hd coils and shocks, ARB bumper and decent tires. Not sure of the miles, but the previous owner had it for 6 years and put 45,000 miles on it. He may be a forum member here and belongs to a Land Rover club in Denver. So at least it came from someone who knows Landies, which is not so common here.

Did you see the pic I posted?

Yes I did see the pic looks very solid. That is why I asked about the rust. Just trying to figure out why they last longer in the States than the UK. Less problems with HGF also???????????
He cant have it anyway as its a commercial and no commercial insurer will insure an under 25 :scratching_chin:

You'll find thats incorrect (look at the number of young van drivers on the road). I know of many young drivers under 25 driving HGV's at 44 tonnes, in fact the plan is to lower the age to 18 so I cannot see why you would have a problem get commercial insurance for a young driver.
Yes I did see the pic looks very solid. That is why I asked about the rust. Just trying to figure out why they last longer in the States than the UK. Less problems with HGF also???????????
I'm thinking because the place is always wet and is surrounded by salty water. About the HGF I'm not sure.

If there are fewer failures here it is perhaps due to the fact that the vehicles can relax a little and not have to live up to expectations. :D
I'm thinking because the place is always wet and is surrounded by salty water. About the HGF I'm not sure.

If there are fewer failures here it is perhaps due to the fact that the vehicles can relax a little and not have to live up to expectations. :D

Unless they drive them in the Ocean all the time. We have more snow and we salt the roads.

Every chance I get to talk to Disco owners I ask about HGF and rusty chassis and they say not a problem. Some of the V8's got over 200k miles on them and most are in the 150Kmile range

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