
Well-Known Member
Is it possible to have a location/garage put on the map who isn't a member but has all the kit and tools to help?
Is it possible to have a location/garage put on the map who isn't a member but has all the kit and tools to help?
personally, i don't like the idea of having newbies on the map at all. we are putting people in vulnerable situations in contact with others.. i'd prefer they are at least known to us.. but it's not my call :)
I only ask as the guy was very helpful, very nice to me when I had issues in the remotest of remote locations on Skye. He's an LR engineer, has all the gear (and I do mean all; diagnostics etc), his own 4 posters in his own garage etc and loads of parts. He's not an 'official' garage but is known as *thee* expert when it comes to LR/RR stuff on the Island.

I only found out about him by calling around people on the mainland and was eventually directed there. I guess it's not so much about emergencies, but when something goes wrong and you need LR specific help.

As for being trustworthy... he didn't know me from Adam and let me walk away with his laptop and diagnostic kit to get me home and the basis I'd post it back. Can't be all that bad!

I only ask as the guy was very helpful, very nice to me when I had issues in the remotest of remote locations on Skye. He's an LR engineer, has all the gear (and I do mean all; diagnostics etc), his own 4 posters in his own garage etc and loads of parts. He's not an 'official' garage but is known as *thee* expert when it comes to LR/RR stuff on the Island.

I only found out about him by calling around people on the mainland and was eventually directed there. I guess it's not so much about emergencies, but when something goes wrong and you need LR specific help.


ah i see. people usually get txted at all times re the map.

what it sounds like you want is a 'recommended and trusted garages map' ... which would be pretty cool too :)
what it sounds like you want is a 'recommended and trusted garages map' ... which would be pretty cool too :)

I guess so, in a way. For me it *was* an emergency at the time which is why finding him was such a relief.
personally, i don't like the idea of having newbies on the map at all. we are putting people in vulnerable situations in contact with others.. i'd prefer they are at least known to us.. but it's not my call :)
That's the problem, a LR ZONER will come... laff at you then dig you out..... sorry take that back...... laff at you, take pics.. then dig you out.....
If we put anyone on here they may come and ask for money...or claim they were called out.... If he is that good suggest he opens an account for THOR to tell him he knows F ALL :)
To do it easily, we could add another layer to the current map to show recommended garages, etc. and have another thread for updating that map.

@blue beasty what do you think? Is it something we want to get involved with?
To do it easily, we could add another layer to the current map to show recommended garages, etc. and have another thread for updating that map.

@blue beasty what do you think? Is it something we want to get involved with?

It's been talked about before and there's been several attempts of recommended threads iirc.

Another layer on the map could work but I think it needs to be made clear that it's completely separate from LZIR.

Most areas of the UK are well covered by existing volunteers, they know the good, and bad, indies in their area and we can get up to date info by sending a text when fully equipped/mechanic services are needed. Local knowledge is one of the many valuable things lzir volunteers give us.

That way contact with paid for services is pretty much one way and we avoid spam issues.

Where it would be really helpful is when someone comes unstuck abroad and stumbles across someone that goes above and beyond.

Forgotten Poppy was helped out hugely in Norway? by mechanics that lent tools and use of facilities while she waited for parts delivery for several days in a carpark and I'm pretty sure they got put on the map as a useful contact.....but I can't view it easily to check.

I think there may be one or two in France as well.

Personally I think it needs to be more than a 'they did what was expected and didn't horribly rip me off'. Goggle will bring up a list of those.

@The Mad Hat Man and @fanatic need to be in on this conversation.
It's been talked about before and there's been several attempts of recommended threads iirc.

Another layer on the map could work but I think it needs to be made clear that it's completely separate from LZIR.

Most areas of the UK are well covered by existing volunteers, they know the good, and bad, indies in their area and we can get up to date info by sending a text when fully equipped/mechanic services are needed. Local knowledge is one of the many valuable things lzir volunteers give us.

That way contact with paid for services is pretty much one way and we avoid spam issues.

Where it would be really helpful is when someone comes unstuck abroad and stumbles across someone that goes above and beyond.

Forgotten Poppy was helped out hugely in Norway? by mechanics that lent tools and use of facilities while she waited for parts delivery for several days in a carpark and I'm pretty sure they got put on the map as a useful contact.....but I can't view it easily to check.

I think there may be one or two in France as well.

Personally I think it needs to be more than a 'they did what was expected and didn't horribly rip me off'. Goggle will bring up a list of those.

@The Mad Hat Man and @fanatic need to be in on this conversation.
maybe worth moving the convo out of the thread then to avoid clogging it up :)
I wouldn't normally have mentioned it i.e. I wouldn't suggest a place in Edinburgh. It was more because up in the North West, on Skye in particular, there is nothing on the LZIR map.
morning chaps, just got in from a call out.

I personally see no issue with recommending places that offer above and beyond normal service.

I do however take issues with marketing.

maybe established members brief description of service received
morning chaps, just got in from a call out.

I personally see no issue with recommending places that offer above and beyond normal service.

I do however take issues with marketing.

maybe established members brief description of service received

Maybe a flexible rule of recommendations by member with 100+ posts and vetted by lzir mods with discretion either side of the rule.

I'm not sure if access to lzir mod forum is up and running but a group pm conversation might get a quicker response anyway?
Maybe a flexible rule of recommendations by member with 100+ posts and vetted by lzir mods with discretion either side of the rule.

I'm not sure if access to lzir mod forum is up and running but a group pm conversation might get a quicker response anyway?

maybe try it out and see how we go?
Separate map layer would be better
I have no objections, however it is unlikely to be maintained, so once on there they will be there for ever - even if the situation changes.

Not sure of a better system though - maybe only put on the map if no lzir's within, say 20 miles? I like the idea of a minimum no of posts before recomending tho. On the same note, maybe we aught to have a minimum no of posts to be put on lzir too?

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