I'll chat to someone on my CB nearly every day. Know some regulars around and about that have theirs on whilst working at the PC at home and are always game for a natter. Then theres always laning and offroading! Definately a worthwhile investment in my book.
have you thought about ****ing the nissan off. yes, the landy will be more expensive to run, but you can use your ncb plus you wont be taxing and insuring 2 cars so it ewill work out cheaper ;)
have you thought about ****ing the nissan off. yes, the landy will be more expensive to run, but you can use your ncb plus you wont be taxing and insuring 2 cars so it ewill work out cheaper ;)

Did yer write this on the wrong fred? :p I'll have nothing to pay on the nissan as it'l be me mums, but i dont want to lose the half year worth of no claims I've built on it.
i use my cb alot. if im on a longish journey il flick it on and stick it on scan. sometimes wont get anything but jibberish from truckers, other days il have a decent conversation with some good people. theres a few regulars near my home i speak to a fair bit. use it a fair bit when me and vengefulelephant are driving. good way to give the heads up to approaching totty and what not hahaha
static, static, truckers, static, static...oooh hang on, freaky atmospherics, now I'm talking to a bloke on the south coast, I'm in north yorkshire!!!!
Truckers are ok, at least they'r funny. Its the sad feks that sit on 19 talkin **** from a base station that do my head in.
Try 19 in Bournemouth of an evening. There's a bunch of old starrys who've never worked out how ter use a mobile fone wobberling onnabout knitting, recipes & arfritus FFS! S'hilarious.
gonna have to connect mine back up then cos i like knittin ...... gonna knit me a snorkel ....

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