Do I sell the D2 and buy a d3?

  • Sell the d2 and buy a d3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep the D2 and perservere

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Scrap the lot and save my wallet

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters


I’m having issues with the D2 and don’t have the time or patients to fix her. Every time I think I’ve fixed an issues, the next one appears followed closely by the original. I knew what I was signing up for but circumstances have changed and I have less time to play let alone tinker now.

so, do I do the unthinkable and sell the D2 and buy a D3? What’s everyone’s honest opinion?

I don’t want to be without a weekend toy but want it to be on the road more than its in pieces
A decade or so ago I got sick of the land rovers and sold them all, bought a normal car and had so much more free time it was unreal, in one year all I did was oil/filter/tyres and wiper blades, and there was no snag list of crap to fix.
Its not so much the LRs are bad cars (although that is a part of it) more dreamers buy them and expect to run them for what you can a normal car, then as they age they become a money pit and its almost impossible to catch up.
Expensive cars are always expensive to run, and as they get older they cost more to run, a lot more in some cases.

My mum still has my old normal car and it still costs sod all to run, I stupidly moved back to the land rovers!
A friend had a D3 and she replaced the engine twice due to crankshaft failure. It put me off them for life. You could get another D2 but then is it a case of better the devil you know??? Or get a boring car and save the extra expense that you would pour into the old D2 into something else in time, whether that’s another Landy or something else.
Another option is a non land rover (please don't chuck me out the group). It's not a path I want to go down but if I want to stay occasionally Laning it may be the only option as the better half won't let me keep dipping into the house fund!
Why not. I like my 90 but with an increasing family, MrsK’s golf isn’t going to be big enough and the realist in me says the 90 needs to be upgraded, even though the Landy owner in me says no. There’s not much in LR’s line-up that appeals so I’ve considered something else…
Every time I think I’ve fixed an issues, the next one appears followed closely by the original.

You could get another D2 but then is it a case of better the devil you know???

We're in much the same boat as you - every time we think it's sorted something else goes wrong. On the plus side it is usually (not always) something different so in time we should get there...... We have the downside that we have to pay someone to do the bulk of the work. We have considered cutting our losses and getting rid of it but what would we get instead? Another D2 probably, but as @Knappster says, better the devil you know. As least we know we have a sound chassis, which was one of the main reasons we bought this car in the first place, so for the time being at any rate we have chosen the bite the bullet and do what needs doing.

Is paying someone else to do the work rather than spending your time on it not an option? I certainly wouldn't go for a D3.
If you want to go laning and have a family style car you have limited choices.

A Discovery of some type, or a Freelander.

If you just want 4WD without proper off road a Subaru

All older cars have issues, but it depends on your issues.
Dual cab pickup or a FL2 id say. Im considering a pickup myself but not because of reliability, just because i need the load bed and have no room for a big trailer. I cant afford a 110 so have to look elsewhere.
so, do I do the unthinkable and sell the D2 and buy a D3? What’s everyone’s honest opinion?

A Freelander 2 makes a much better and more reliable replacement than a D3.
They're LRs most reliable vehicle, cheap and reasonably easy to maintain, and the failure points (it's still an LR) are easy to sort, if a little expensive, but on the whole they're very good vehicles.
I was considering changing the old Disco 1 for a Disco 3 or 4 but in the end I came to my senses and decided to put a few quid into the devil that I know, I reckon it will still be going strong long after some of the later ones that I was considering.
My vote is Disco 1 every time.
I was considering changing the old Disco 1 for a Disco 3 or 4 but in the end I came to my senses and decided to put a few quid into the devil that I know, I reckon it will still be going strong long after some of the later ones that I was considering.
My vote is Disco 1 every time.
Amen to that!!!:D:D:D
(Since it's Easter. Normally "+1")!!!!!
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There is a huge difference between D1 D2 and D3 D4

D1 is basically RRC with 90/110 Diesel engine
D2 is its own beast using some similar things to the P38

D3 D4 are clean sheet designs with many bought in parts compared to D1 D2
I know it's just my own humble opinion but I run our 2000, TD5, manual as our only car/daily driver. I just couldn't imagine not having a D2. I don't believe they're bad cars, a little more complex than the average but they have so much going for them. I do all my own repairs and welding.
I think what I'm trying to say is she's part of the family. I guess I'm a bit nuts
Oh, I don't off road with her but live right out in the sticks. Given some of the road around us flood and it snows in the winter and we regularly tow trailers she just a comfortable, practical vehicle.

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