Hi everyone it's me again matt right I have a td5 on a v reg genuine 96k on the clock full leather 7 seats top spec with rare colour kinver sands it's had a lot of money spent on it with only 2 owners .I knew when I brought it the back end was rotten i took it into a place last week to have it done .3/4 chassi he then rang me yesterday to say it's gone a bit further down not that far but they won't do it now .I don't want to scrap it as it's too good to scrap just some ideas have people on here plated there's. I will try and get some pics up over weekend. I'm really gutted cause I love the td5 and I want to put it bk on the rd .cheers everyone
Past tank area to just where the springs sit .

So a 1/3 or a 1/4 chassis depending on where it gets cut, but sounds like 1/3 chassis. Why would they not continue the work? check where the shocks bolt on as well they rot thru there and behind the springs.

Also check the front bottom of chassis near the gear box cross member, another are they rust thru.

I'd Defo fit new chassi but cheapest I've seen 4k galvo one just to much money .
I think they can start a little cheaper than that - £3k seems the average, the thing is then your sorted as when you do the swap you will end up doing many other things that are needed - but then its hassle free-ish
If I could get a second hand one in would fit that .but I think that's gonna be impossible to find .but if I was to take body of is there any harm in plateing it proper tho I can weld good .
Get a new chassis. The TD5 will be worth more with a brand new chassis so it's not really spending money o_O
So dose anyone have a good chassis for sale .

You are going to fall foul of the forum roolz making a wanted request, as a sub 50 postee , only place you can do that is in Anything Goes in the "wanted thread".

Chances are any second hand chassis will be as rough as the one you have now. They rot from the inside out.

I'm just watching, waiting for the piccies - can't advise without seeing the damage ;)

( my advise up to this point is always to keep it - because what on earth can you replace it with that could in any way shape or form be better ? IMHO, it doesn't matter what it costs - get it on an agreed value insurance scheme, and carry on for the next twenty years )
It would depend upon who's doing the work. Discos unlike defenders depreciate almost to the point of being disposable. Personally I could never justify throwing that much at a vehicle that you'd probably never get back. For instance you could strip it and put the 4k towards a D3.
It really depends on how badly the chassis is and how much your happy to throw at it.
No we are still hear ! LOL
So you can weld ? Are you any good at fabrication ? If you can weld you MUST be good with a GRINDER !:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Have you got somewere you can get the motor under cover ? Have you got the tackle to get it up in the air ??
Personally I wouldn't fit a new chassis if you can get away with just replacing a part chassis for two reasons, 1) the cost and 2) you're still left with all the other discovery problems that are known to raise their heads from time to time.

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