Well-Known Member
I recently had a difference of opinion regarding the automatic renewal of the DMF when the Clutch is replaced.
Following my comments regarding only replacing the DMF if it is faulty and the fact that a friend of mine who is a lR Independent specialist using a test rig to check the DMF which was scoffed at.
I have seen the rig and it is manufactured by Sykes Pickavant in collaboration with LUK Clutch division.
LUK advise that the DMF is checked for performance and condition with the rig against tolerances that they specify. If it meets the conditions, there is no need to change it. As I explained in my previous post, basically the rig checks for backlash (Play) in the unit and spring torsion. Obviously any visible mechanical problems or failures are taken into account.
Following my comments regarding only replacing the DMF if it is faulty and the fact that a friend of mine who is a lR Independent specialist using a test rig to check the DMF which was scoffed at.
I have seen the rig and it is manufactured by Sykes Pickavant in collaboration with LUK Clutch division.
LUK advise that the DMF is checked for performance and condition with the rig against tolerances that they specify. If it meets the conditions, there is no need to change it. As I explained in my previous post, basically the rig checks for backlash (Play) in the unit and spring torsion. Obviously any visible mechanical problems or failures are taken into account.