
Well-Known Member
Duchess, my P38 is now ready for her first MOT in around 4/5 yrs. I've just remembered I have chip in the windscreen that I'd forgotten about, it will fail on that. I read a post from I think @Rubberknees or @tomcat59alan about a chip repair kit they used that gave good results but I can't find it now:rolleyes:.
I tried those self repair chip kits during the summer and it made the crack area look even worse. But is my experience after watching many YouTube videos.
Haven't got insurance yet, was waiting until I'm sure she is good to go, then book the MOT then get insurance , might look dodgy to the insurance company if I get a chip on the way to the MOT and it fails on ito_O.
Was hoping to repair it up to MOT standard then maybe claim for a new one when it(cough) breaks proper:D.
Get it professionally repaired.
I've got a full repair kit & even then it's not as straightforward as some of the youtubes would have you believe.
Problem is if you have a go with a diy kit & can't pull enough vacuum then the resin will set & you could still be left with a substantial defect - cracks round a bullseye in particular - & the only thing left after that is a replacement screen.
Haven't got insurance yet, was waiting until I'm sure she is good to go, then book the MOT then get insurance , might look dodgy to the insurance company if I get a chip on the way to the MOT and it fails on ito_O.
Was hoping to repair it up to MOT standard then maybe claim for a new one when it(cough) breaks proper:D.
A MOT fail will depend of the chip size and its position on the windscreen, my disco has a chip on the screen and in the drivers view, fortunately its only around 4mm so not a fail, but I did get an advisory with an MOT one year and that chip had been there for 10 years with nothing stated before or after, now a few years on other small ones have joined it :)

Duchess, my P38 is now ready for her first MOT in around 4/5 yrs. I've just remembered I have chip in the windscreen that I'd forgotten about, it will fail on that. I read a post from I think @Rubberknees or @tomcat59alan about a chip repair kit they used that gave good results but I can't find it now:rolleyes:.
It was me Chris. I bought off the bay for under a tenner. Just put in windscreen repair kits and loads will come up. If you look on You tube theres loads of videos how to use them. I used this one from Quicktrade(12356) Windshield Repair Kit Fix Glass Chip Crack Car Windscreen Wind Screen Window UK Worked a treat Just take your time and you can't see where the crack was. The professionals slag them , probably because the are loosing money
I have used a Rainex kit I bought off Amazon in 2017, very good and once you get used to it quite easy to use. I had loads of chips on my 90 and on Buttercup, now to be honest it is as though they had never been there, never notice them any more, and passed the French CT with no comment.
I'm stunned!
That's ridiculous.

Might as well have a go yourself. Halfords website says they do them for £40.
The problem I've got is that i can't drive anywhere else but straight to the MOT (by law), where it will fail on the chip then off to Halfords or wherever to be told some BS by a spotty youth then break down on the way back on the motorway and plod write me a ticket etc. It will have to be a home repair at great expense or a DIY home repair .
I think I worry too much but I've still got a full head of hair so maybe not.
I have used a Rainex kit I bought off Amazon in 2017, very good and once you get used to it quite easy to use. I had loads of chips on my 90 and on Buttercup, now to be honest it is as though they had never been there, never notice them any more, and passed the French CT with no comment.
I've seen that kit at Halfords £10 or Asda £7.50. I need one quick really so probably get that today.
The problem I've got is that i can't drive anywhere else but straight to the MOT (by law), where it will fail on the chip then off to Halfords or wherever to be told some BS by a spotty youth then break down on the way back on the motorway and plod write me a ticket etc. It will have to be a home repair at great expense or a DIY home repair .
I think I worry too much but I've still got a full head of hair so maybe not.
Ask around. The cheap repairers usually don't have websites.
The chap that does mine just goes off word of mouth, he has been doing it for about 20 years, since he packed in working for Autoglass.
He charges me 20 quid for a chip repair if I go to him, 30 if he comes to us.
He is near Wisbech, so won't come as far as Shropshire.
But there will be similar near you.
It was me Chris. I bought off the bay for under a tenner. Just put in windscreen repair kits and loads will come up. If you look on You tube theres loads of videos how to use them. I used this one from Quicktrade(12356) Windshield Repair Kit Fix Glass Chip Crack Car Windscreen Wind Screen Window UK Worked a treat Just take your time and you can't see where the crack was. The professionals slag them , probably because the are loosing money
Cheers John, found it and ordered, for a spare, can't wait for delivery so getting a rainx kit local.
Ask around. The cheap repairers usually don't have websites.
The chap that does mine just goes off word of mouth, he has been doing it for about 20 years, since he packed in working for Autoglass.
He charges me 20 quid for a chip repair if I go to him, 30 if he comes to us.
He is near Wisbech, so won't come as far as Shropshire.
But there will be similar near you.
Just tried 2 no name guys, one isn't interested cos it's heated, the other wants £35 but won't guarantee the heated screen will still work as he has to drill it. He actually recommended I use a DIY kit as they don't need drilling.
DIY it is then!
Out of my comfort zone here:rolleyes::D
Just tried 2 no name guys, one isn't interested cos it's heated, the other wants £35 but won't guarantee the heated screen will still work as he has to drill it. He actually recommended I use a DIY kit as they don't need drilling.
DIY it is then!
Out of my comfort zone here:rolleyes::D
Stefan said that as well, when he did the one on my Mondeo. It did work after, in fact. I think it only takes out the wires the drill actually breaks, anyway.
I should think the kits are fine if you are careful. I just can't be bothered, got enough stuff to repair anyway.
Just tried 2 no name guys, one isn't interested cos it's heated, the other wants £35 but won't guarantee the heated screen will still work as he has to drill it. He actually recommended I use a DIY kit as they don't need drilling.
DIY it is then!
Out of my comfort zone here:rolleyes::D

Regarding the MoT, check DVSA https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/driver-and-vehicle-standards-agency provided it’s insured you can drive to a pre-booked place of repair but should only be a day or so before the test date in case you get spotted by an ANPR camera. Don’t forget to tax it once you get the pass certificate though.

On the point about drilling the screen, some of the elements in mine are out but the rest work so losing one doesn’t effect the others.

Hope this helps, Tricky:)

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