
Active Member
Ok, long over due, and I should have uploaded this ages ago as promised, but some of you might remember me prattling on about making my own bumper on the cheap. Well I got round to it, and here's what I came up with, but first what I started with:




not been loved much, but i soon put that right!
So i start cuttin' her up

and cleanin' her up


then a bit of paint


an she starts to look ok

but I aint even started yet:D
And then its time to put it all together




a quick slap of paint


and what do ya fink?


Hopes you like it! i know I do. But the golf that drove into it the other day didn't!:eek: New bumper for them, and mine had the paint tickled! I like a happy ending:D
Looks like a top job, my 90 has a standard front bumper that's a bit battered ( a bit like the rest of it) I quite fancy a big **** off bumper like yours.. I did one a few years ago on an ex military S111 where I cut off the over-rider things and welded them in front of the bumper, sort of in the middle in front of the main bumper and then plated in the back , so I could bolt through a big towing attachment arrangement.
Looks like a top job, my 90 has a standard front bumper that's a bit battered ( a bit like the rest of it) I quite fancy a big **** off bumper like yours.. I did one a few years ago on an ex military S111 where I cut off the over-rider things and welded them in front of the bumper, sort of in the middle in front of the main bumper and then plated in the back , so I could bolt through a big towing attachment arrangement.

Nice! Sounds like a right proper job! The main issue I had with this was stopping! Not the car (It does add about 20stone!), but building it. I had a load of fun doing it, and really anyone thinking of it its well worth doing. You cant beat the satisfaction of knowing your big FO bumper will crush most anything that tries to reverse into you in tescos carpark.:D
I'm currently cutting out the pieces for my rear **** off bumper to compliment my front **** off bumper I bought a while back.

Then I'll get my **** off tree sliders made up and we'll be all good :)

5mm steel bumper with 2 ton behind it versus a modern day plastic bumper..... muuhhahahahahahahah!!!!
Has your MPG dropped,,I went to buy one of those ready made winch bumpers recentley,When i went to pick it up it nearly broke me back !!!! its then i thought F that !!.
what he said on the 90deg.....very good thinking,totally different than I had thought to do it,allows you to use the section rather than fabricating from plate and seaming it,like I had planned to do.

Trouble is,whenever I mean to do something like this , another thing goes bang and takes up all my time and money !

whatever,excellent job,great pics,inspiring post....a candidate for a how-to sticky ? I shall be filing this for later reference,thats for sure
Cheers guys. I am well pleased with it. A word of warning though, if your gonna make a **** off big monster like this, make sure you got a **** off big brother to help you fit it. I'm 6'3, and fairly well built (read fat), but there aint no way in hell i can lift the damn thing on my own!

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