
New Member
I am temporarily removing my 24V dizzy and replacing the HT side (with a 24V to 12V convertor).

It appears that the the distributor plate (also called adaptor, distributor) is different.

Anyone have a broken 2.25L engine with the standard 25D4 or 45D4 distributor that could ship me the plate and any other fittings needed for the changeover ?

Or does anyone have a souce for this part.

I'm not sure which bit you mean - there are a few clamp and adpator plates in there. I suspect you want ... listed on LRDirect for £135!

Best thing would be to take a picture of what you've got/not and / or look in the parts catalogue (Page 2E-02 on wards) to see if you can work out what you need.

BTW: I don't have one as they're all in use but I'm sure there's someone on here with a scrap 2.25 petrol!

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