Ye Gods!!!
We have in our midst a champion knight to aid us
He knows about divide and conquer
Get yer cranking andles ready ;)
Ye gods

The knights have integrated sir and brought themselves into the latest millenium..
We now tend to use more sophisticated weaponry M-16's and we do have a partial throw back to earlier times we retained the MACE..

However our trusty steeds have been replaced with a familiar work horse to us all, namely a 300tdi Disco....there are 2 major dilemas the knights face in this present time namely our trusty steeds do not come up to us when we whistle (vital when jumping onto the saddle in quick getaways) and second a distinct lack of fair maidens.....
Quote "I have often thought of a unified 4x4 group to collectively challenge the 4x4 misconceptions"

This is just what I was getting at but am not as literate as Sir Adrian, why isn’t there such a group, or is there. Can't someone put some figures together to prove that our vehicles of choice are not much more polluting than most cars, in the great scheme of things, and also, because like Sir Adrian has also said that they last longer than most cars, this must be better for the environment as far as using up the worlds recourses is concerned?

Most 4x4 owners, irrespective of which 4x4 it is, seem to look on their vehicle as it's more than just a car, "It's a LIFESTYLE" and a friend. I know that sounds VERY cheesy but I bet our Landies are better maintained than similar vehicles of their age.

Hope you understand where I'm coming from, I just want the 4x4 argument to be balanced.

TTFN Wilbur
I quote from the ABD (Association of British Drivers )

' That well known hater of all cars, Ken Livingstone, and his cronies in the anti-car cartel which is conspiring to attack Britain's drivers, are trying a new offensive.

It's called Divide and Rule.

Their odious little plan is to attack the use of all 4x4 vehicles in cities with all manner of ranting emotive unscientific claptrap.

Those drivers who don't drive 4x4s, and who haven't yet cottoned on to the plot, naively see attacks on 4x4 drivers as nothing to do with them. Some of these drivers and some of the public fall for the lies and propaganda, and profoundly voice their support for anti-4x4 measures by regurgitating some of the puerile anti-4x4 garbage spouted by the cartel.

This is exactly what the anti-car cartel want. Following Ken's widely reported attack on 4x4 drivers in May 2004, the rest of the cartel immediately jumped on the bandwagon and spouted forth similar claptrap in the hope of inciting more public hysteria.

Far too many of Britain's drivers continue to be blisfully unaware of the way they are being systematically attacked from all angles '
Many thanks Wilbur for the reference to being articulate, (not quite) However there should be some data base somewhere on the cyber net that has all the relevant MPG for each car the AA often give you a cost of running a car per mile..... With reference to Dave who rightly pointed out that all motorists will be illicited as criminals however to start on the 4x4's is also relevant to the anti brigade as it is a life style for most 4x4's... it would be note worthy of the main criticism that you do not need 4x4's in the town it's a huge waste... waste of what? Fuel... if that is the case the solo driver motoring up the motorway to watch his football at the weekend is also criminally wasting fuel... so let us ban all supporters of that game and any one else who travels for trivial pasttimes!!!! the classic thin end of the wedge seems to be applied
I sick of using this example but its one worth remembering. I say to the anti 4x4 moaners...take a bit of chalk and chalk around the outline of your vectra or Mondeo...than park a disco or range rover over the outline. Strange , its not sticking 2 or 3 feet over the lines, just the odd couple of inches. So its height you object to then ?
An overlooked point is that of longevity of these vehicles. The average car lasts 8-10 years before it is worthless. How many 20, 30 or 40 yr old landys are there and how much energy is wasted in buying new cars every year? You get my drift.

They cant object to height otherwise we would have to castigate Focus C Max owners for being too high....
Ye gods there are 2 major dilemas the knights face in this present time namely our trusty steeds do not come up to us when we whistle (vital when jumping onto the saddle in quick getaways) and second a distinct lack of fair maidens.....

I told you we had a saviour in our midst. He has hit on the solution.
If all 4x4's came with fair maidens who respond to a whistle surely everyone would want one :D
A couple of inches can be important in the right area and the right time....
especially when your parking your thing!!!!
Especially when regarding fair maidens! However this topic will run on and on like our vehicles and it's also remarkable to note that because they do not see a need for 4x4's in Chelsea they intend to discriminate the whole fraternity. Now I do know Chelsea and whilst I readily concede the terrain is not rough the areas surrounding can be. Additionally the state of our roads will mean that off road driving will become the normal way to drive... Further more the main reason why the women in Chelsea were using 4x4's was they were large enough to put all the childrens apparell in and safe from car jackings where handbags were being snatched through the sunroofs of their SLK's......
I think I'll have a go out those little mini buses like Galaxys and Espace's....the driver should hold a PSV licence...there, thats set the cat amongst the pigeons
only a 4x4 cat amongst the pigeons please!

An interesting aspect is 4x4's well one could argue that our japanese counterparts are only 4x4 on a part time basis unlike us Landy Gents who are permanently in the 4x4 state...I wonder if the Pajero fraternity will use this to put us to the sword while saving themselves?

However referring to Wilbur's previous post can we put together a list of adverse comments about our Landy's and in turn dissect each element with pure fact and no fantasy. Then we may have a recognised cohesive and coherent response to our detractors...
I think I'll have a go out those little mini buses like Galaxys and Espace's.

I used to drive an Espace before i got the Disco.
In some respects they are a more practical vehicle, like if you want seven seats they are alot more comfortable that the Disco, they also do have quite a good load carrying capacity and I actually think there is more room inside, and the espace dosn't go rusty!
BUT, show it some mud or rough terrain and you're buggered. Oh, and the parts are bloody expensive as well.

Don't worry i'm not going all anti 4x4 on you, just think that some people should consider what they want from a vehicle before buying the first thing that takes their fancy.

Where does this govt stop in the demonising stakes......what comes after 4X4's ?
If some one brings out a 4X4 with a Co2 rating around the 150 mark, will it still be the devils chariot because its has a 4x4 system ? When I hear some pratt going on about the size, I point out that its bigger in height but the majority take up no more road space than the average family saloon.
A bad 4x4 is no worse than millions of knackered white vans thrashing the motorways everyday and dilapidated buses, coaches and taxis cruising half empty.

New thread started (Right versus Might) to take on this issue
what everyone seems to be missing is that these new taxes only apply to new vehicles. So if you are rich enough to buy one new you can afford £300 a year tax.
more stuff most of us knew already... as fer yer pertitions well that one that got 17millions votes changed a lot, dint it?

if you want the gov to not do something or do something else,take a leaf oot the french book and blockade the country, bring it to a standstill. they will start to take the views of the public seriously . as fer yer pertitions the only thing the on line pertition are there for is to stop folks turning up at downing street with reams of paper.

Here Here !!!:D

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