
New Member
Hi Guys and Gals, I recently entered into an e-petition via the governments website on the Road pricing issue, and noticed another
e-petition that I thought had been forgotten about, or they had come to their senses over.

Transport and infrastructure - Open petitions

Apparently, the Liberal Democrat Council in Richmond upon Thames, south-west London are trying to apply a £300 tax to 4x4 and Sports car owners to park their cars outside their homes. Yes I know this may be "on street parking" but you know how the government works, this will soon apply to all vehicles they deem to be damaging to the environment, wheter or not they have ANY proof or not. I know other councils will be watching like vultures.

News | Telegraph

Yes I know I am ranting, but how many people know about this, how legal is it, and is it the thin end of the wedge And can we do anything about it as a group ???

Thanks for reading this, TTFN Wilbur.:mad:
Wilbur, you sound like a sensible person, unlike the rest of us.
Tax is relative.
They want more, You want more
Put your claim in first, just in case
They get accused of causing spiralling inflation
They got it wrong, they get booted out :p
Quote "Put your claim in first, just in case"

How am I to do this, And what do I claim for ????

Just don't want to lose the right to use my vehicle, or for it to cost me any more than any car that gives the same emmissions even though they are smaller, as there are lots of anti 4x4 groups who would love to put the boot in.

And as for getting them booted out, arn't one political party as bad as the other ??

Did anyone watch that brilliant programme on Ch 4 about the global warming issue being scaremongering, who the heck do you belive?

TTFN Wilbur.
David Atenborough did an episode of his wildlife program on global warming, forget the title. Watched on one of the sattelite channells. Atenborough was on all day. It was very enlightening. Turns out global warming and cooling is a naturally occuring planatery phenomenon. A little like the seasons, over thousands of years the planet warms up and cools down without human interference. Its just that at the moment the planet is warming up, and we are adding to it just a little. It would seem that if we all died today, the earth would still warm up , though maybe at a slightly slower rate.
more stuff most of us knew already... as fer yer pertitions well that one that got 17millions votes changed a lot, dint it?

if you want the gov to not do something or do something else,take a leaf oot the french book and blockade the country, bring it to a standstill. they will start to take the views of the public seriously . as fer yer pertitions the only thing the on line pertition are there for is to stop folks turning up at downing street with reams of paper.
Dear or dear Wilbur all is not lost
For someone prepared to build their dream machine from the ground up you need more patience and perhaps a bit more dosh.
I thought you so assertive that I was suggesting you start by claiming an increase in your remuneration. Explain that you need to cover the predicted increases in costs of living and if need be, parking.
As to losing the right to use your vehicle that will only come when you lose the right or ability to charge what you need to live on. Ever thought of emigrating?

One mans 4x4 is another mans escort van and you'll find it's the smart arse politicians who are diverting everyone’s attention from what they are doing with your taxes whilst feeding you all with malicious thoughts against your own kind.

Just remind the politicians that if they lose their jobs they generally jump of cliffs, or get pushed. If you lose your 4x4 you go get a horse, then get it to **** outside the politician’s house. You can tell them that this is your way of producing a sustainable transport system and helping nature.

As to the global warming, whether it is down to us humans or changes in the cosmos, it does appear to be a serious concern with rapidly changing consequences. Whether or not we're going to fry or freeze you'd be daft to ignore it, did you see the program about the frozen ice man?
Well said slob,

I'd rather 1.7 million motorist drive round the M25 all day waiting for call signs on the radio to turn off at the next roundabout?

Should bring London & Heathrow to a halt. If not the exhaust fumes should make em surrender

What can they do to stop us, charge us a roundabout toll?

Oh no!! Now I've said it.
Penalising 'Gas Guzzlers' for being parked up.....

Now that's the kind of f****ed up logic I expect from the morons that sit on our government!
Quote "For someone prepared to build their dream machine from the ground up you need more patience and perhaps a bit more dosh"

It's amazing what you can tell about a person for a couple of posts ?? I don't know what you guys do for a living but in my type of job I can't demand a payrise to cover what I need to live on, they would just replace me with another number.

As for emigrating, I have thought about it, but I can't think of anywhere that is less messed up than the U.K. think its the best of a bad bunch. Anyway are you trying to get rid of me so soon ??

I Did think that the whole petition thing was a bit lame, but I got a nice reply from Tony.
The blockade thing sounds a good option, get thousands of Chelsea Tractors to drive around Chelsea for a few hours, that should get a bit of a reaction.

Any roads up, I will sit here and wait patiently for a wind fall, so I can build my Dream Machine.

TTFN Wilbur.

As for emigrating, I have thought about it, but I can't think of anywhere that is less messed up than the U.K. think its the best of a bad bunch. Anyway are you trying to get rid of me so soon ??

10 years ago I emigrated to New Zealand - Godzone country. Beautiful scenery, a great climate, surfing, cheap diesel, cheap car running costs.

However, 5 years later I was back in North Wales.

Swings and roundabouts. Cost of living - ie food, fuel etc is very cheap comparatively. However, pay is poor, no tax credits, no family allowance, no NHS, and you have to pay for everything - user pays. My son has just done 4 years in an IT college and got a good qualification for free. Over there it would have meant a 2nd mortgage.

Despite all the nonsense, political correctness, unfair taxation and dodgy politics BRITAIN RULES. (Even if its not 'great' anymore)
its overcrowded and the roads need a second floor on them
Open up all the old coal mines and turn them into underpasses.

Some of the pits I've worked in are big enough for double decker buses and go for miles

Wonder if the landy will run on coal gas, buses did it during the war
Quote from tv documentary called traffic jams from hell; "If you wnat to avoid traffic jams, live in Wales"
Would love to but you all talk funny. Found it easier to join the millions who bring their caravan up every year.
take a leaf oot the french book and blockade the country, bring it to a standstill.

Very well said slob, personally I couldn't agree more, burn some sheep I say. Not that I mean burn sheep literally before you all start getting exitable, but i'm sure we all remember it don't we. were just far too apathetic in this country.

Very well said slob, personally I couldn't agree more, burn some sheep I say. Not that I mean burn sheep literally before you all start getting exitable, but i'm sure we all remember it don't we. were just far too apathetic in this country.


I thought it already was at a standstill? (in England)

Too much apathy? who cares?
Hello Gentlemen,

The present incumbents of the street in downing have naturally used the age old method of divide and conquer.... let us get the ordinary plancton to fight and quibble amongst themselves... So with the hordes all singling out us Criminals of the 4x4 fraternity under the umbrella of global warming they also realise that the voters apathy will also enable them to continue to impose ever more ridiculous penalties on motorist aslong as we get the greater proportion.

As far as petitions go I agree with the notion that it saves the reams of paper I have often thought of a unified 4x4 group to collectively challenge the 4x4 misconceptions but would Pajero and disco chaps actively work together? Every one knows that 70% of all landys build still operate to this day... how do we extol this virtue to highlight greener pedigrees for Disco's

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