
Active Member
I've been doing a fair bit of winter prep on the old P38, so I'm starting to accumulate a pile of old bits which I need to dispose of.

I decided to risk the bin inspection gestapo by hiding my old air springs in the bottom of the wheelie bin, covered up with some black bin bags. So far, so good.

How does everyone else dispose of parts which should probably go to a scrap yard if I could be bothered - e.g. old shock absorbers, ABS accumulator, old fuel and oil filters, etc?
it either goes in a black bag and in the bin or to the recyclin skips a mile down the road... dont normally have enough scrap metal at anyone time to make it worth the time tryin to sell it to the scrapyard.
all i do is put it out side, over the road next to the bin ally, so it can be seen and leave it for the scrap man to collect. iv left gear box n transfer box, old axle, wheels all different times and its all been picked up within 2 hours.
just tell ya neighbors that if its not picked up by scrap man in 24 hours you will move it
If its metal, weigh it in, or phone up a scrappy how will offer cash (might as well get some money back for the new parts), or as others have said, leave it outside, a pikey will spot it a mile off.

Other parts (plastics, fabrics, rubber, etc) your local recycling centre should be able to take, my local one even takes used engine oils. Better than getting fined!
all i do is put it out side, over the road next to the bin ally, so it can be seen and leave it for the scrap man to collect. iv left gear box n transfer box, old axle, wheels all different times and its all been picked up within 2 hours.
just tell ya neighbors that if its not picked up by scrap man in 24 hours you will move it

Same here...scrap man comes round at least twice a day, every day...
local council takes waste oil at local centre.
weigh it in, scraps fetching a good price at the mo - why else would the pie keys ( not racist here :)) bother nicking everthing in sight?

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