Hi all,

Just got me a new land rover lightweight (3.5 V8) and picked up a 88" tropical hard top (looks nice lol).

Now the landies been painted with vehicle paint, and the hard top is ready to go on (plus neighbour has complained).

Me and the wife tried to lift it on and there was no way we could do it, this thing is HEAVY (has the original speakers and black covers etc).

Now I've seen people selling the sides separate to the roof, which means it must be able to come apart somehow. Now the only way I can think of is to drill the welds through the guttering. But surely someone could shed some light on how to do this properly?

Pictures of the lightweight will be uploaded as soon as the roof is on :)

After the roof is on my Steveparkers exhaust system should hopefully be here :D

Thanks in advance
Ive only ever messed with sdandard series stuff and they are just nuts n bolts to hold roof panel on. Any big strapping builders working near you? Offer em a bacon sandwich.
Awesome cheers for the responses. When it gets a bit warmer i'll get out there and have a look. There's a black cover which is inside, it may mean taking that out but it's been fun so far.
Black cover will be insulation should just be stuck down with adhesive but the bolts run along the inside of the roof on a lip at gutter level
My son and I lifted a complete roof on a series without too much trouble a couple of weeks ago. No insulation but it can't make that much difference?
The wife is a short arse and can barely open a packet of crisps.

This has the tropical roof, internal cover/insulation and speakers, it's pretty heavy.

The neighbor put in a complaint (i'm in military housing) and the guy from housing came round. Turns out he's a land rover boffin and told me that V8 carbs can only be tuned early on a Sunday morning. Something to do with the earths magnetism or something!
The wife is a short arse and can barely open a packet of crisps.

This has the tropical roof, internal cover/insulation and speakers, it's pretty heavy.

The neighbor put in a complaint (i'm in military housing) and the guy from housing came round. Turns out he's a land rover boffin and told me that V8 carbs can only be tuned early on a Sunday morning. Something to do with the earths magnetism or something!

and only between the hours of 06.00 and 08.00.
The wife is a short arse and can barely open a packet of crisps.

This has the tropical roof, internal cover/insulation and speakers, it's pretty heavy.

The neighbor put in a complaint (i'm in military housing) and the guy from housing came round. Turns out he's a land rover boffin and told me that V8 carbs can only be tuned early on a Sunday morning. Something to do with the earths magnetism or something!

Row of bolts down each side - you'll want some sealant on the rubber seals before reassembly. Good exploded diagrams in the parts book:-
pdf Land Rover Manuals | Landroverweb.com
Found the nuts and bolts. But there's 2 behind a side brace both 13mm and they are a total pain in the ass to get too.

Managed to get one side off because the bolt was loose. The other side is proving to be a nightmare.

I thought about cutting the brace/bar out, but this seems like a bad idea. Anyone else had an experience with these 2 bolts?
Is the brace just behind where the door top goes? If it is it's probably the seat belt mount - you should be able to get behind it with a long socket extension.
Thats the one.

The car came fitted with a roll bar the guy made himself and it's pretty good, BUT the seatbelt was bolted to that so I never knew what it was for until I'd cut through it.

Oh well lesson learned another one from ebay is on the way.

The roll bar also prevents me from mounting the hard top as it JUST gets in the way and the hard top will have to fitted twisted in order to even look remotely normal.

So, Job tomorrow of removing the roll bar (bolted in).
Sorry, gotta cut through it, the bolts are proper siezed on. I may reweld it and maybe sell it/give it away but i'm not sure.

Just want to get this hard top on!
we removed the roof from ours the other week, undid all the bolts (of course i had to drill out just about every one!!!) and then drove to the tip with the mrs hanging onto it.
They used a grapple on the end of a backhoe to lift it off and crush it hahaha. Shame really as the roof was really tidy! we just wanted an open top :)

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