Not really, its very common knowledge. Landywatch has faqs on how to weld them up. A trust me, the scroats already know this too.

Fair enough.

Everyone knows you can remove them (as the tests show), but i'm sure a large percentage thought there was a knack, or some thieving experience was needed - not just one common tool and some brute force?

Well let this be their warning - its very easy, just takes a minute or two!

Sorry to anyone that gets annoyed by bringing up old threads, but I stumbled upon tho when looking to buy my own disklok.

Just for the record mine is a 1999 defender, and I have the silver, MEDIUM disklok. You can fit it on the larger setting or even the middle setting, and it is still lose on the wheel!

MEDIUM is the best size for a standard defender wheel by a long way!! Hope this helps someone decision in the future!
As I've posted before, if 'they' really want it & are experienced thieves 'they' will have it.
Even if you welded up the doors (silly I know, but just making a point) the vehicle could still be winched onto a beaver-tail, even with the brakes full on. All you can do is make the theft as difficult & as much of a pain as possible, then if it all goes pear-shaped rely on an agreed value clause in your insurance.
Personally I'd see the bastards swing from the nearest tree, but that might infringe their human rights :mad:
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