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Just a quickie...
Steering wheel diameter 41.5 cm - Medium or Large Disklok - ?
Thanks in advance
I use the large, (standard defender 1984 wheel), but have read that a medium with some lining removed will fit.
Cheers, that's what I thought. I did receive some advice to buy a Medium and take the foam out, but I don't want the leather damaged by an imprint or to struggle to lock it every time I fit it! I thought the idea was that it turns freely on the wheel. A Large it is!
If I lived in your neck of the woods I'd definitely be using it. But you are right, it's an awkward, heavy piece of kit to struggle with and a ball ache to store once it's off. Pinched a finger in mine yesterday.
In Rattys poll/research a freely rotating disclok is the most effective single piece of additional security for preventing theft.

They're worth every pain in the arse moment :)
In Rattys poll/research a freely rotating disclok is the most effective single piece of additional security for preventing theft.

They're worth every pain in the arse moment :)
I believe it's the only Cat 3 device with Thatcham approval.
Yes they can be a pig to store, but mine wedges nicely behind the driver's seat (RRC)
Large is a bit too loose and medium, a bit tight. One solution is to stick a layer of velcro on the inside and if still too loose another layer of non-stick on top. This protects the steering wheel even better than the standard padding. Some people weld half moon shapes of steel on the back to reduce the chance of it being levered off, but this makes it even more difficult to fit/remove and you need to be a competent welder. Another solution to consider is to fit a smaller steering wheel of the exact dimensions to be a slightly loose match to the small or medium disklok.

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