You need to check if you have vented discs on the front, if so you will need to change calipers for solid discs.
I was under the, apparently mistaken, impression that all V8s had vented discs but found that mine didn't.
Just done my fronts on a V8. Not difficult at all. 10 and 13 mil ringspanners if I recall, and an impact screwdriver as the screw that alines the disc on mine was difficult to budge
Must be a D2 they have, like all floating caliper brakes, a counter sunk screw retailing the disc to the hub.
I also think so.My 91 has a 5/8 bolt for Caliper and same for top swivel pin brake pipe bracket, a 9/16 for stub shaft, a big flatbladed and hammer for lock washer, a 52mm hub nut spanner, and a 12 point 9/16 bolt for brake discs, and a big mallet to get it off.
If you haven't done your wheel nearing and seals recently, it's a good idea to do them when you're in there. For that you need a small cold chisel and a lump hammer.
Think that's everything.