well guys i bottled it trying to fined my own stuff i just wanted my disco back

I can confirm that the 5door rubber is shorter than the 3 door buy about 9" but buying 3 x 5door load rubbers does solve the problem!! and allows both sides to be renewed :) with a little impact adheasive the ends join up and are water tight.

The way i did it was fit the whole seal leaving the gap at the top then force the rubber in to the corners spreading the gap as wide as possible now cut a new section 1-2" longer than the gap you have now force this in to the gap it will be a pain but it will fit.

Leave it like this over night or a while to let the rubber mold in to the shape. i was lucky and could leave it a few days.
Then remove the extra bit glue both ends and refit leave it again atleast an hour to set if you can leave longer it might be worth it.

If you have a heat gun warming the rubber helps when fitting the glass as does loads of fairy liquid (other none fairy products might well do the same job)

i uses a classic mini windcreen filling tool to fit glass as its smothe and not sharp so does not damage the glass or rubber.

Not sure if you have heard of Hangar 53 , he's based at Raydon . near ipswich . He has a couple of discos breaking , he also is an excellent landy guy . I get him to work on my Disco all the time , If your on Facebook . all his details on there . Great guy , very reasonable labour costs
Thanks chris but I do all my work my self I have been since before I could drive and and seem to do all the families too!!! I have a mind set of why pay when I can teach my self to do it and save money and learn something new

It's what I spend my weekends doing.... Love it, Drive it, love it more, brake it, hate it, Fix it, I'm poor, drive it....... And the cycle goes on

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