
Active Member
Im looking in to replacing all the windows rubbers in the back of my disco 1 1996 3dr.
so 5 windows my mini i used to do the whole car for 100 quid windscreens door rubbers glass the lot

but cant believe how much the rubbers cost
to do the 5 back ones ur looking over £200

does anyone have any old ones the wouldn't mind cutting in to and taking a photo of the cross section and giving some dimentions my plan is to see if i can get hold of a supplyer that will do each type by the meter a make it cheeper for me and b post it up here so everyone can bennifit

my problem is i dont have any spare and use my disco every day

there must be a place we can buy it on the role and make them our selves

the ones im after are:
  • Rear tail gate glass rubbers
  • Rear load space rubbers
  • Alpine rubbers
alpine rubbers i might have a set...i might not il have a look

Rear load cover - good luck hens teeth are easier to find, but you can get two 5 door ones cut them and make them fit.

tail gate again good luck

i "may" be boarding mine up so il have some spare the rear load covers 1 is new or was when i got it cost me £40+ and the other was a 2nd hand one £20+ lol
what im trying to find is someone who has some scrap ones so i can try and find a supplyer of it in lengths like i buy for my mini then just bond the ends together and let everyone on no where to get it from that s in an ideal world

but iff not i have managed to find the rear load ones for a shade under 40 each and the
boot glass seal as well for less than 35

only one thats proving to be a problem is the RHS alpine window but fortunatly mine is pritty good
I need a new rear door rubber and both rear side boot windows rubbers so let us know how you get on buddy.
just to be clear, the guy is wanting you to do a cross section cut of your old seals so he knows what to hunt for.
All turbominij will have to do is pull off the trim and measure the width of the projection and the over all width of his trim.

Overall width 25mm channel which locates onto the body work is 4 mm.
hi guys
i dont mean the door seals atall it is the back 3 window glass seals
tail gate glass
load area rear seal both sides

so looking for some one with one out or has some scrap seals. they can measure /take a cross section photo.

If i take mine out they will fall apart as they are so cracked and then i will have a woping grate hole in the side of my car and with the english weather we all no it will rain 30 seconds later!!!
I'm getting another breaker in soon so will see what the seals are like. If they are gone I will get one out for you.
right guys things have taken a turn for the worse and i now NEED to get some sorted after a slight inceident with a tree root on a bank+ mud+ slide = ouch
Does anyone have a knackered 5 door seal that i can offer up before i spunk loads of money on new ones only to find they are to short and i cant cut them down.

or even a good 5 door one would do then id only need to buy one.



And something to lighten the mood :) gotta love the underside off a landy
How about take the glass out and cut some tread plate to the glass size then seal it in effectively blanking the windows out ,that's what I've bin thinking of .

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