
I am so confused :confused:

I am getting close to finishing my tray back discovery and was wondering what i need to do to get it road legal. (i.e. IVA)

What does an IVA actualy consist of, and how much does it cost?


Yea im in the process of making the rear bumper and rewiring the front and rear lights. i was just wondering how intense this test was going to be and if i defo have to do it and what it consists of?
That metal work looks sharp as hell to me, and the fuel tank like that, missing the front wing... i think it needs more than rear lights
im putting the wing back on, i was just welding up some rust on the arch.
The back of the tray back isnt finnished, i still have to put the tray on and make the rear bumper which will get rid of the sharp bits. The tray is going to cover the fuel tank aswell and im going to get a new filler cap and pipe for it.
sticking a set of 1 tonne hangers on a series doesn't count as a significant mod, same principal on coils

Strictly speaking it does though you probably wouldn't get picked up on it......unless you had inspectors crawling about....

Which is kinda the point
Strictly speaking it does though you probably wouldn't get picked up on it......unless you had inspectors crawling about....

Which is kinda the point

inspectors probably still wouldn't know about the leafers, they're too old and made up of far too many random parts from whatever bin the landrover employee was rooting round in :p

But in general for hotrod building when I was looking into the points system a suspension "change" is whats classed as a significant mod as I said from leafs to coils or air.
In general a lift or reduction in height doesn't class as its far less paperwork for them for a start, its not as if he's gone crazy and put on a 10" monster truck lift either

Anyway it makes no odds, he wont pass.

5 points must be from the chassis and its been modified/chopped down. So unless they don't spot that odds are it'll fail as he's not done something like replacing the rear crossmember with a similar replacement part due to rot etc
so that means ive scored 9 if i dont have to declare my 5 inch lift. i chopped about 2 foot off the back.
Why would you want that road legal? Rather than get somthing tidy and use it to tow? Would be cheaper and you wouldn't have to worry about abusing it on pay and play sites..
this is the tray back so far, shouldnt be long till i have to do all that test crap.
what are the consequences if i get caught not getting the car tested.

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