
Hi guys

Just been reading a post about discovery td5 starting problems and i thought i would share a starting problem that i have with my td5 metropolis auto on a 03 plate, but it only happens now and again, when i bought the disco just over a year ago it showed no problems at all then one morning i came to start it and nothing, no clicking noise? nothing, i tried all the usual things of resetting the alarm ect but still nothing, it was just by the off chance that i felt a push button that had been fitted to the drivers side fuse box lid, with nothing to lose i turned the ignition on and pushed this push button, the disco fired up first time????? i switched off the engine and tried again with the key? she fired up first time??? i managed to speak to the previous owner who had owned it from new, he told me that this had been a problem from new and that it had been back to the dealer on many occasions, one time having it for a month but because it only happened very seldom they could not find any faults?? when it had clocked up 60,000 mile the dealer was no longer interested!! the owner had put in the switch himself, one wire direct from the live terminal on the battery and the other wire from one of the pins on the starter relay under the bonnet??? it can go months with no problems and then for no reason nothing its dead again, it will then play up for a week or two then its ok again??? thank god for the push button, any ideas would be welcome though, i thought the push button idea may be of use to someone out there with a similar problem.

cheers, andy:confused:
Ignition switch faulty?

Position 3 not always making contact would sound the most likely - alternatively the wiring between the ignition switch and the starter relay would be the culprit, especially as when you press the button and thus energise the starter relay directly, it fires.

Thanks for that idea dave but ime farely sure that the original owner told me that the most common things including the ignition switch were changed by the dealer on the numourous occassions that they had it in for this problem, thats why it was never cured and the owner put in this bypass switch?????? quite a tricky one i think??? at least the switch gets me out of trouble when it plays up!! :crazy:
ignition switch or sticking relay would be my guesses. If it weren't for the switch being fitted I would've said the ignition feed to the starter was the fault.
most common things including the ignition switch were changed by the dealer on the numourous occassions that they had it in for this problem

Most main dealer,s are liar,s and fobb of merchants.

You,ve got to give that car a " clean slate " as far as your ownership of it goes, and this unfortunately means you cant take anybodys word for it as to what has or has,nt been done.

I hav,nt experienced this problem on my car, but I would imagine that what has been suggested woulkd be a good starting point. ( no pun intended !! ).

Do you know any good auto electritians ?.


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