Hi all i'm sure this might have been asked a few times but has anyone managed to relocate their ecu? I'm hoping to move mine too the overhead compartment (highest point) but been advised might find it hard to get the extension connectors through the bulk head. Anyone managed to do it?

Will be posting pics of it soon before and after build!!! just waiting for a few more parts to arrive
Is yours an Auto? If the t is then the last I heard the loom extensions had to be modified .

You could always make your own feeding one cable at a time, that way no problems getting it through the bulkhead?
Did this today for anyone who is interested, however, I struggled to get the loom to stretch where I wanted it, which was behind the driver mounted to the roof, just wouldn't reach, so I'll have the weld some studs into the roof above the drivers at some point.

If you look on the bulkhead next to the clutch switch, you'll see a large oddly shaped rubber grommet. If you cut the insulation immediately above this away, you'll see a nice round grommet which I used by cutting a cross in it and poking the cables with the connectors still attached through and then sealed it with Tiger Seal.

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