What rpm are people getting at 70mph on a discovery 2 auto?
Not sure if i have a issue with my discovery as not sure if its reving to high on a run.
Also When going up hills around town the speed drops off quite quickly and it drops down a gear then it revs up to try and get the speed up but the speed bairley increases
Any info would be greatfull
I changed the gbox oil about 2000 miles ago, what came out of it didnt look burnt it still had good colour to it.
Yes id say it does lock up at about 50mph. Im thinking of putting a hd torque converter in it with a remap. im not after it being fast i just dont like it reving for no good reason i never let it go over 3000 but even that seems a bit much to get it going especialy on the hills when the speed bairly increases.
Is your auto fairly new to you? Both the autos I've had seemed quite 'revvy', like a manual with a badly slipping clutch. I've occasionally driven other autos and didn't notice it with them, but they weren't 'two ton Tessies' like the Disco.

You can do a stall test, which will show you if it's working as LR intended - see here:-

I've gotten used to it now and go lighter on the throttle because otherwise it feels like it's wasting energy while you wait for the vehicle speed to catch up with the engine. I've hear the HD torque converter and a remap is the bees knees - although I'm tempted, I'd want to try one first!
I test drove a D2 that had a remap and HD torque converter. Chalk and cheese, it was a totally different animal. Relaxed, responsive, not like revving a speedboat.
Shame the rest of it was crocked.
Thanks for your input every one i will try the stall test later on.
Providing it shows every thing is ok i will book it in for a remap theres a local alive tuning group near to me.
If i re map it before a hd toque converter will it need to be re mapped once this has been done
I think you'd need to do it again if you fitted the HDTC, but again I'm only going on what I read. Best people to ask would be Dynachip / Alive Tuning etc, or Ashcrofts, who sell HDTC upgrades.
Have you thought about keeping box in 3rd gear when in your hilly town sections.
This has been used often when in long hills when towing.
Jim A.
Now then, I know I mentioned the stall test above, but I've never had cause to try it, so I need to ask a dopey question.....when you do a stall test, does the engine actually stall, or is it a term that refers to a condition within the torque converter / autobox, i.e. it's not able to turn but provides enough load or drag on the engine to limit the revs to 2800rpm?
Have you thought about keeping box in 3rd gear when in your hilly town sections.
This has been used often when in long hills when towing.
Jim A.

+ 1. When I had my TD5 auto D2 when going up long hills at speed I would put the selector into third and allow the TC to lock, saves it going doolally.
I however was not impressed with the "HD Torque converter". I went in an alive tuned TD5 D2 with an Ashcroft HDTC and alive re-map. I was impressed with the re-map....but not the TC. I was seriously considering "upgrading" my TC to the ashcroft one on my standard D2 but was put right off after experiencing the drive. It still revved like mad IMO and I was not impressed. Learn to live with it and work with the box.

Your money....your choice...

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